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Saturday, May 28, 2022

List of quotes by person posts: 2022

This post is a list of quotes by person posts for this blog in 2022. The general theme of these posts is knowledge and the internet. There are 51 posts listed below chronologically. This post was last updated December 31st, 2022.




  1. Neil Postman: information quotes




  1. Martin Luther King Jr. and mutual understanding




  1. Tim Berners-Lee and the World Wide Web
  2. Tim Berners-Lee: The World Wide Web - A Mid Course Correction
  3. David Bohnett: Internet History Podcast interview
  4. Sue Gardner and civic engagement




  1. Jimmy Wales and community knowledge
  2. Alex Peek: Belief analysis and economy structure
  3. Katherine Maher and Wikipedia
  4. Brewster Kahle and content collection
  5. Ward Cunningham and wikis
  6. Lawrence Lessig and innovation
  7. Ken Wilber and integral theory
  8. J. B. S. Haldane and the unknown
  9. Aaron Swartz and open access
  10. H. G. Wells and education
  11. Tristian Harris: social media algorithms
  12. Rufus Pollock: Emerging Movement with Alternative Approach to Social Change




  1. Terence McKenna: Language Can Do Anything
  2. Terence McKenna: Timewave - internet quotes
  3. Colin Wilson and the unknown
  4. Matt DeCarlo: RU Tartan interview - educational resources
  5. Wayne Mackintosh: Flexible Learning NZ interview - educational resources
  6. Lila Tretikov: The Open Mind interview
  7. Gregg Gillis (Girl Talk): interview at Bonnaroo
  8. Henry Jenkins: participatory culture
  9. Stephen Downes: personal education
  10. Terence McKenna: Magic - language quotes




  1. John Vervaeke: exemplars of rationality and collaboration
  2. Elisabeth Morel: OER accessibility
  3. Ethan Zuckerman: institutional trust
  4. danah boyd: reknitting society
  5. Catherine Stihler: Creative Commons license
  6. Rebecca Giblin: how to fix copyright
  7. Albert Einstein: quantum mechanics quotes




  1. Anthony Magnabosco and street epistemology
  2. Jamie Joyce and The Society Library
  3. Lane Rasberry and Wikipedia
  4. Stephen Koch: quotes about Andy Warhol
  5. Daniel Schmachtenberger and the third attractor
  6. Matthew Taylor and mediation
  7. David Fuller and sensemaking




  1. Dmitri Breteton and information
  2. Walter Gropius and design




  1. Vannevar Bush and the memex
  2. Jean Baudrillard and hyperreality
  3. Robert Cailliau and online content
  4. Jan Tschichold and typography
  5. Alan Cooper and simplicity
  6. Jef Raskin and ease of use
  7. Herbert A. Simon and attention