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Saturday, May 7, 2022

Terence McKenna: Language Can Do Anything

This post is a collection of quotes from Terence McKenna in a We Plants Are Happy Plants video titled Language Can Do Anything. I recommend listening to the video at this link. There are 3 quotes listed below chronologically.


1. "What should be done? The answer is art has to be created on a massive scale, a small scale, everywhere all the time. That is the way to reach all these people." (1:30)


2. "Language can do anything... Let us build a ladder of words, an analogical engine, a bark of verses, a wagon of phrases... And these kind of structures are really to my mind ultimately to be seen as words." (4:02)


3. "...we must receive, transmit and conquertize the word in order to create a forward escape out of the contradictions in the world that are the legacy of bad language that's brought us this far. Its a healing of language" (5:09)





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