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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Ethan Zuckerman: institutional trust

This post is a collection of quotes from Ethan Zuckerman in an interview in 2021 with the Aspen Institute titled Disinfo Discussions: Decline in Trust with Ethan Zuckerman. The video for this interview can be found at this link. I recommend listening to the interview. There are 2 quotes listed below chronologically.


1. "The more participatory an institution is, the higher a chance it has at being trusted. The more an institution opens itself up to you being a functioning member, and particularly a governing member, the better a chance it has of being trusted." (40:14)


2. "So my one easy trick, for fixing trust is, take your institution and figure out how to restructure it so that the people that its serving can see its insides, can take part in its working, and preferably could even take a leadership role in it. Now, the hard part is actually figuring out how you do that within most institutions, but that is the answer to the question." (43:49)





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