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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Terence McKenna: Magic - language quotes

This post is a collection of quotes about the language from Terence McKenna in a бor video titled Magic. I recommend listening to the video at this link.There are 3 quotes listed below chronologically.


1. "This is what those elves in hyperspace are trying to push us toward. Remember how I said, they sing objects into existence? ...It's that in order to get the ambiguity out of language we are going to have to go to a wider bandwidth. And the wider bandwidth is visual." (28:55)


2. "The only way you can transcend the ambiguity of language is if you turn it into something beheld." (31:30)


3. "And notice that when we talk about language, our notions of clarity, there it is, our notions of clear speaking are all visual metaphors. If you think you think you really understand somebody, then you say, 'I see what you mean'." (32:12)





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