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Monday, August 8, 2022

Stephen Koch: quotes about Andy Warhol

This post is a collection of quotes about Andy Warhol from Stephen Koch in Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film as part of the PBS American Masters series. The documentary can be found at the following links: Part 1, Part 2. I recommend watching the documentary. There are 2 quotes listed below chronologically.


1. "I think his greatest gift was immediacy: making you see in an unmediated way, just right there in front of you with a kind of absolute frontal clarity. I think that he had that. He had feeling for it and a grasp of it that was unique." (Part 1, 4:10)


2. "The idea that the way you are induced to look at something is as much about making it art as what it is. That is to say, if the artist can make you look at anything as if it were art, it to some degree becomes art." (Part 1, 1:10:47)





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