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Sunday, May 15, 2022

Gregg Gillis (Girl Talk): interview at Bonnaroo

This post is a collection of quotes from Gregg Gillis (also known as Girl Talk) in an interview with Moe Trains Eats. Gregg Gillis is an American electronic music producer best known for mashups and sampling. I recommend watching to the interview at this link. There are 3 quotes listed below chronologically.


1. "I don't feel morally opposed to what I'm doing. I really feel like the music is just kind of promoting other music and its not affecting anyone's sales or anything like that." (23:22)


2. "You can either manipulate physical media that other people did and kind of make something new out of it. Or you can manipulate ideas and to me its very similar." (23:44)


3. "I know I'm sampling. I'm blatant. I'm as obvious as I can be. But at the same time you can really make new music out of samples..." (25:46)





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