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List of internet and computer posts

This post is a list of internet and computer posts for this blog. There are 134 posts listed below chronologically and by topic.


    Programming languages (37)



    Internet timelines


  1. Basic timeline of Google
  2. Basic timeline of Amazon
  3. Basic timeline of Yahoo!
  4. Basic timeline of AOL
  5. Basic timeline of Netscape
  6. Basic timeline of web browsers
  7. Basic timeline of social media websites and apps
  8. Basic timeline of search engines
  9. Basic timeline of music websites and apps
  10. Basic timeline of the internet
  11. Basic timeline of the World Wide Web
  12. Basic timeline of Wikipedia




  1. List of Wikimedia Foundation sister projects
  2. Collection of encyclopedia websites
  3. Collection of quote websites
  4. Collection of social-news websites
  5. Collection of video sharing websites
  6. Collection of blog websites
  7. Collection of wiki websites
  8. Collection of web portals
  9. Collection of search engine websites (non-download)


    Miscellaneous internet


  1. List of Contract for the Web principles
  2. List of GeoCities neighborhoods
  3. Collection of Jaron Lanier books
  4. Audrey Tang: internet prayer
  5. Collection of mission statements from major information websites
  6. List of words in the Yahoo! acronym
  7. List of categories on Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web
  8. Collection of quotes about blogs
  9. Collection of quotes about the Yahoo! Directory
  10. Collection of quotes about DMOZ
  11. Collection of 1990's internet search engines and web directories (before Google)
  12. List of NSFNET supercomputer centers
  13. List of initial ARPANET Interface Message Processor hosts
  14. Collection of quotes about NSFNET
  15. Collection of quotes about ARPANET
  16. Collection of quotes about Usenet
  17. Collection of quotes about the World Wide Web
  18. Collection of quotes about Minitel
  19. Collection of quotes about IRC
  20. Collection of quotes about RSS
  21. Collection of quotes about CompuServe
  22. Collection of quotes about CSNET
  23. Collection of quotes about ALOHAnet
  24. Collection of quotes about bulletin board systems (BBS)
  25. Collection of quotes about HTTP
  26. Collection of quotes about the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP)
  27. Collection of quotes about Gopher
  28. List of IndieWeb principles
  29. Collection of quotes about Google Knowledge Graph
  30. List of level 5 vital article categories on Wikipedia
  31. List of level 4 vital article categories on Wikipedia
  32. List of level 3 vital article categories on Wikipedia
  33. Collection of quotes about Mastodon
  34. Collection of quotes about the fediverse
  35. Collection of quotes about Bluesky
  36. Collection of quotes about Diaspora
  37. Collection of quotes about Nostr
  38. Collection of quotes about Myspace


    Miscellaneous computers


  1. Basic timeline of Linux
  2. Basic timeline of Alan Turing
  3. Collection of quotes about GNU and Linux
  4. List of levels of artificial intelligence
  5. Collection of quotes about the Altair 8800
  6. Collection of quotes about HyperCard
  7. Collection of quotes about UNIX
  8. Collection of quotes about Nintendo 64 technology
  9. Collection of quotes about MS-DOS
  10. Collection of quotes about operating systems
  11. Collection of quotes about integrated circuit technology
  12. List of basic logic gates: inputs and outputs
  13. Collection of basic computer parts
  14. Collection of basic CPU parts
  15. Diagram of a saved bit
  16. Diagram of a 4 bit adder
  17. Collection of quotes about x86
  18. Collection of quotes about MINIX
  19. Collection of quotes about Multics
  20. Collection of quotes about the Z3
  21. Collection of quotes about EDSAC


    Technology company timelines (non-internet)


  1. Basic timeline of Microsoft
  2. Basic timeline of Apple
  3. Basic timeline of IBM
  4. Basic timeline of Intel
  5. Basic timeline of Xerox
  6. Basic timeline of Texas Instruments
  7. Basic timeline of Fairchild Semiconductor
  8. Basic timeline of AT&T
  9. Basic timeline of Bell Labs


    Technology company subsidiaries


  1. Collection of Alphabet Inc. subsidiaries
  2. Collection of Meta subsidiaries
  3. Collection of Amazon subsidiaries
  4. Collection of Apple subsidiaries
  5. Collection of Microsoft subsidiaries
  6. Collection of Tesla subsidiaries
  7. Collection of Nvidia subsidiaries
  8. Collection of Alibaba subsidiaries