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Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Collection of quotes about MySpace

This post is a collection of quotes about MySpace (launched in 2003). There are 6 quotes listed below. License: CC BY-SA 4.0


1. "In August 2003, several eUniverse employees with Friendster accounts saw potential in its social networking features. The group decided to mimic the more popular website. Within 10 days, the first version of MySpace was ready for launch, implemented using ColdFusion." (Wikipedia: Myspace, 2.1.24 UTC 04:06)


2. "The first MySpace users were eUniverse employees. The company held contest to see who could sign up the most users. eUniverse used its 20 million users and e-mail subscribers to breathe life into MySpace and move it to the head of the pack of social networking websites." (Wikipedia: Myspace, 2.1.24 UTC 04:06)


3. "...Friendster, which was developed in JavaServer Pages (jsp), could not keep up with the speed of development of MySpace and cfm. For example, users could customize the background, look and feel of pages on MySpace." (Wikipedia: Myspace, 2.1.24 UTC 04:06)


4. "On April 19, 2008, Facebook overtook MySpace in Alexa rankings..." (Wikipedia: Myspace, 2.1.24 UTC 04:06)


5. "...Facebook rolled out communication tools that were seen as safe in comparison to MySpace. In addition, MySpace had particular problems with vandalism, phishing, malware, and spam, which it failed to curtail, making the site seem inhospitable." (Wikipedia: Myspace, 2.1.24 UTC 04:06)


6. "There are several suggested explanations for its decline, including the fact that it stuck to a 'portal strategy' of building an audience around entertainment and music, whereas Facebook and Twitter continually added new features to improve the social networking experience." (Wikipedia: Myspace, 2.1.24 UTC 04:06)