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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Collection of quotes about DMOZ

This post is a collection of quotes about DMOZ. There are 6 quotes listed below. License: CC BY-SA 3.0


1. "DMOZ was founded in the United States as Gnuhoo by Rich Skrenta and Bob Truel in 1998 while they were both working as engineers for Sun Microsystems." (Wikipedia: DMOZ, 2.27.23 UTC 16:14)


2. "On October 31, 2015, there were 3,996,412 sites listed in 1,026,706 categories." (Wikipedia: DMOZ, 2.27.23 UTC 16:14)


3. "As of April 2013, the number of contributing editors had increased to 97,584." (Wikipedia: DMOZ, 2.27.23 UTC 16:14)


4. "DMOZ closed on March 17, 2017 because AOL no longer wished to support the project." (Wikipedia: DMOZ, 2.27.23 UTC 16:14)


5. " was announced that while the DMOZ URL would not return, a successor version of the directory named Curlie would be provided." (Wikipedia: DMOZ, 2.27.23 UTC 16:14)


6. "The concept of using a large-scale community of editors to compile online content has been successfully applied to other types of projects... According to Larry Sanger, DMOZ was part of the inspiration for the Nupedia project, out of which Wikipedia grew." (Wikipedia: DMOZ, 2.27.23 UTC 16:14)