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Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Collection of quotes about Nintendo 64 technology

This post is a collection of quotes about Nintendo 64 technology (initially released in 1996). There are 6 quotes listed below. License: CC BY-SA 3.0


1. "The [Nintendo 64's] main microprocessor is a 64-bit NEC VR4300 CPU with a clock rate of 93.75 MHz and a performance of 125 MIPS." (Wikipedia: Nintendo 64, 1.18.23 UTC 20:42)


2. "Built by NEC on a 350 nm process, the VR4300 is a RISC 5-stage scalar in-order execution processor, internal 24 KB direct-mapped L1 cache (16 KB for instructions, 8 KB for data). Although a floating-point unit exists as a logical coprocessor, it shares the integer arithmetic adder and shifter, meaning that floating-point instructions will stall the integer pipeline." (Wikipedia: Nintendo 64 technical specifications, 10.25.22 UTC 13:14)


3. "Nintendo 64's graphics and audio duties are performed by... the Reality Coprocessor, or RCP. The RCP is a 62.5 MHz chip split internally into two major components, the Reality Display Processor (RDP) and the Reality Signal Processor (RSP)." (Wikipedia: Nintendo 64 technical specifications, 10.25.22 UTC 13:14)


4. "The [RDP] is a fixed-pipeline rasterized and pixel drawing engine (including Z-buffering). The RDP performs in-order rasterization and drawing or texturing of pixels in the framebuffer, with a separate memory frontend both directly accessing memory, and moving data to and from the local storage texture cache." (Wikipedia: Nintendo 64 technical specifications, 10.25.22 UTC 13:14)


5. "The RSP is a MIPS R4000-based 128-bit integer vector processor... It is programmable through microcode, allowing the chip's functions to be significantly altered by each software title if necessary, to allow for different types of work, precision, and workloads." (Wikipedia: Nintendo 64 technical specifications, 10.25.22 UTC 13:14)


6. "The console uses high-bandwidth but high-latency Rambus DRAM. It is hosted from the Reality Coprocessor (RCP) having an internal interconnect across the [RSP], [RDP] and the IO (including microprocessor) interfaces." (Wikipedia: Nintendo 64 programming characteristics, 11.27.22 UTC 12:48)