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Monday, June 26, 2023

Collection of quotes about NSFNET

This post is a collection of quotes about NSFNET (1985-1995). There are 4 quotes listed below. License: CC BY-SA 4.0


1. "Initially created to link researchers to the NSF-funded supercomputing centers, through further public funding and private industry partnerships [NSFNET] developed into a major part of the Internet backbone." (Wikipedia: NSFNET, 2.28.23 UTC 13:56)


2. "The NSFNET initiated operations in 1986 using TCP/IP. Its six backbone sites were interconnected with leased 56-kbit/s links..." (Wikipedia: NSFNET, 2.28.23 UTC 13:56)


3. "The National Science Foundation permitted only government agencies and universities to use the network until 1989 when the first commercial Internet service provider emerged." (Wikipedia: NSFNET, 2.28.23 UTC 13:56)





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