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Thursday, April 13, 2023

List of basic logic gates: inputs and outputs

This post is a list of basic logic gates with inputs and outputs. 0 represents off; 1 represents on. There are 7 logic gates listed below alphabetically with electrical diagrams.


In the diagrams, '+5v' represents electricity; 'A' represents the first input 'B' represents the second input; a v-shaped intersection represents a transistor; a zig zag line represents a resistor; 3 horizontal parallels lines represent ground; a dot at an intersection represents a connection.


A transistor conducts electricity only if the input is turned on. If the electricity has a direct connection to ground then the circuit loses electricity. The resistor allows electricity to pass through it but breaks direct connection to ground.



0, 0 = 0

0, 1 = 0

1, 0 = 0

1, 1 = 1





0, 0 = 1

0, 1 = 1

1, 0 = 1

1, 1 = 0





0, 0 = 1

0, 1 = 0

1, 0 = 0

1, 1 = 0





0 = 1

1 = 0





0, 0 = 0

0, 1 = 1

1, 0 = 1

1, 1 = 1




XNOR (Exclusive NOT OR)

0, 0 = 1

0, 1 = 0

1, 0 = 0

1, 1 = 1




XOR (Exclusive OR)

0, 0 = 0

0, 1 = 1

1, 0 = 1

1, 1 = 0




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