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Saturday, July 1, 2023

Collection of quotes about IRC

This post is a collection of quotes about IRC (initially released in 1988). IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. There are 4 quotes listed below. License: CC BY-SA 4.0


1. "IRC has a line-based structure. Clients send single-line messages to the server, receive replies to those messages and receive copies of some messages sent by other clients." (Wikipedia: Internet Relay Chat, 6.26.23 UTC 07:12)


2. "The basic means of communicating to a group of users in an established IRC session is through a channel." (Wikipedia: Internet Relay Chat, 6.26.23 UTC 07:12)


3. "IRC is an open protocol that uses TCP and, optionally, TLS. An IRC server can connect to other IRC servers to expand the IRC network. Users access IRC networks by connecting a client to a server." (Wikipedia: Internet Relay Chat, 6.26.23 UTC 07:12)


4. "IRC was originally a plain text protocol (although later extended), which on request was assigned port 194/TCP by IANA. However, the de facto standard has always been to run IRC on 6667/TCP and nearby port numbers..." (Wikipedia: Internet Relay Chat, 6.26.23 UTC 07:12)