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Sunday, November 26, 2023

Collection of quotes about Google Knowledge Graph

This post is a collection of quotes about Google Knowledge Graph. There are 3 quotes listed below. License: CC BY-SA 4.0


1. "The Google Knowledge Graph is a knowledge base from which Google serves relevant information in an infobox beside its search results." (Wikipedia: Google Knowledge Graph, 11.1.23 UTC 15:10)


2. "By mid-2016, Google reported that it held 70 billion facts and answered 'roughly one-third' of the 100 billion of the 100 billion monthly searches they handled. By March 2023, this had grown to 800 billion facts on 8 billion entities." (Wikipedia: Google Knowledge Graph, 11.1.23 UTC 15:10)


3. "According to Google, its information is retrieved from many sources, including the CIA World Factbook and Wikipedia." (Wikipedia: Google Knowledge Graph, 11.1.23 UTC 15:10)