Alex Peek blog

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List of history posts

This post is a list of history posts for this blog. There are 234 posts listed below either chronologically by post date or alphabetically by country.


    Historical civilizations


  1. Egypt (ancient)
  2. Greece (ancient)
  3. Mesopotamia
  4. Rome (ancient)




  1. Bonaparte, Napoleon (1769-1812)
  2. Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865)
  3. Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
  4. Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790)
  5. King Jr., Martin Luther (1929-1968)
  6. Gandhi, Mahatma (1869-1948)
  7. Mandela, Nelson (1918-2013)
  8. Washington, George (1732-1799


    Technology history (non-computers)


  1. Basic timeline of communication and media
  2. Basic timeline of paper
  3. Basic timeline of printing
  4. Basic timeline of the Industrial Revolution
  5. Basic timeline of photography
  6. Basic timeline of aviation
  7. Basic timeline of the telephone
  8. Basic timeline of automobiles
  9. Basic timeline of television technology




  1. Basic timeline of Washington state
  2. Basic timeline of Ohio
  3. Basic timeline of California
  4. Basic timeline of Texas
  5. Basic timeline of Alaska


    Miscellaneous history


  1. Basic timeline of Seattle
  2. List of cradles of civilization
  3. Basic timeline of Earth
  4. List of United States presidents
  5. List of major Greek city-states
  6. List of Thirteen British Colonies
  7. List of person timeline posts
  8. Basic timeline of the Scientific Revolution
  9. Collection of country names changes: 1900-2023
  10. List of United States Presidents (images)
  11. List of history level 3 vital articles on Wikipedia (non-region/subject)
  12. List of late-modern history level 4 vital articles on Wikipedia


    Countries (196)






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