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Friday, July 16, 2021
Basic timeline of Bolivia
This post is a basic timeline of Bolivia. There are 16 events listed below chronologically. Source: Wikipedia
- Tiwanaku Empire (600 - 1000 AD)
- Inca Empire (1438-1533)
- Spanish conquest of Bolivia (16th century)
- Battle of Cajamarca (1532)
- Spanish Viceroyalty of Peru (1542-1824)
- Rebellion of Tupac Amaru II (1780-1782)
- Bolivian War of Independence (1809-1825)
- Spanish Upper Peru (1821-1825)
- Bolivia gains independence (1825)
- Peru-Bolivian Confederation (1836-1839)
- War of the Confederation (1836-1839)
- Chaco War (1932-1935)
- Bolivian National Revolution (1952)
- Military coup d'état (1969)
- Cochabamba Water War (1999-2000)
- Bolivian political crisis (2019)
(This post includes any nation or civilization that occupied at least a portion of Bolivia at some point. Unless specified otherwise, the dates correspond to when a nation or civilization existed, but do not necessarily correspond to occupation of Bolivia.)