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Saturday, July 10, 2021
Basic timeline of Venezuela
This post is a basic timeline of Venezuela. There are 24 events listed below chronologically. Source: Wikipedia
- Timoto-Cuica, Kalina, Caquetio Auake, Mariche tribes (Pre-Columbian period)
- Christopher Columbus and Spain arrive (1498)
- Spanish Venezuela Province (1527-1864)
- Spanish Viceroyalty of New Granada (1717-1821)
- Venezuelan War of Independence (1810-1823)
- Venezuela declares independence (1811)
- First Republic of Venezuela (1811-1812)
- Spanish Gran Colombia (1819-1831)
- State of Venezuela (1830-1864)
- Federal War (1859-1863)
- United States of Venezuela (1864-1953)
- Venezuelan crisis with Britain (1895)
- British naval blockade against Venezuela (1902-1903)
- Military coup d'état (1945)
- Military coup d'état (1948)
- Republic of Venezuela (1953-1999)
- Coup d'état overthrows dictatorship (1958)
- Attempted coup d'état (1992)
- Constitution of Venezuela (1999)
- Hugo Chavez is President (1999-2013)
- Attempted coup d'état (2002)
- Venezuelan crisis (2010 - now)
- Nicolas Maduro is President (2013 - now)
- Constitutional crisis (2017)
(This post includes any nation or civilization that occupied at least a portion of Venezuela at some point. Unless specified otherwise, the dates correspond to when a nation or civilization existed, but do not necessarily correspond to occupation of Venezuela.)