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Sunday, July 11, 2021
Basic timeline of Chile
This post is a basic timeline of Chile. There are 24 events listed below chronologically. Source: Wikipedia
- Clovis culture (13,000 - 11,000 years ago)
- Chinchorro culture (7000 - 1500 BC)
- Mapuche culture (600 BC)
- Inca Empire (1438-1533)
- Battle of the Maule (15th century)
- Ferdinand Magellan and Portugal arrive (1520)
- Diego de Almagro and Spain arrive (1535)
- Spanish Captaincy General of Chile (1541-1818)
- Spanish conquest of Chile (1541-1604)
- Arauco War (1546, 1550-1662)
- Chilean War of Independence (1812-1826)
- Chilean Declaration of Independence (1818)
- Chilean Conservative Republic (1826-1861)
- Chilean Civil War (1829-1830)
- Chilean Constitution of 1833
- Spain recognizes Chilean independence (1840)
- Chilean Revolution (1851)
- Chilean Liberal Republic (1861-1891)
- Argentine-Chilean naval arms race (1870's - 1902)
- Chilean Constitution of 1925
- Military coup d'état (1973)
- Augusto Pinochet military dictatorship (1973-1990)
- Chilean Constitution of 1980
- Chilean earthquake (2010)
(This post includes any nation or civilization that occupied at least a portion of Chile at some point. Unless specified otherwise, the dates correspond to when a nation or civilization existed, but do not necessarily correspond to occupation of Chile.)