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Saturday, July 24, 2021
Basic timeline of Oman
This post is a basic timeline of Oman. There are 23 events listed below chronologically. Source: Wikipedia
- Achaemenid Empire (550 - 330 BC)
- Sasanian Empire (224 - 651 AD)
- Ridda Wars (632 - 633 AD)
- Rashidun Caliphate (632 - 661 AD)
- Umayyad Caliphate (661 - 750 AD)
- Abbasid Caliphate (750 - 1517 AD)
- Qarmatian dynasty occupation (931 - 934 AD)
- Seljuk Empire occupation (1053-1154)
- Nabhani dynasty occupation (1154-1470)
- Portuguese occupation (1515-1650)
- Ottoman Empire occupation (1550-1551, 1581-1588)
- Ya'rubid dynasty (1624-1742)
- Omani Empire (1696-1856)
- Zanzibar is annexed to Oman (1698)
- House of Al Said (1744-1964)
Oman-Zanzibar War (1784)
Muscat and Oman Sultanate (1856-1970)
Jebel Akhdar War (1954-1959)
Dhofar Rebellion (1963-1976)
Zanzibar gains independence from Oman (1964)
Coup d'état (1970)
Qaboos bin Said is Sultan of Oman (1970-2020)
Omani protests (2011)
(This post includes any nation or civilization that occupied at least a portion of Oman at some point. Unless specified otherwise, the dates correspond to when a nation or civilization existed, but do not necessarily correspond to occupation of Oman.)