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Monday, July 5, 2021
Basic timeline of Canada
This post is a basic timeline of Canada. There are 31 events listed below chronologically. Source: Wikipedia
- Glacial melt allows travel (16,000 years ago)
- Woodland culture (2000 BC - 1000 AD)
- Dorset culture (500 BC - 1500 AD)
- Hopewell culture (100 BC - 500 AD)
- Norse arrive at Newfoundland (1000 AD)
- St. Lawrence Iroquoians (14th century - 1580)
- Iroquois confederacy (1142-1867)
- John Cabot and England arrive (1497)
- New France (1534-1763)
- Canada colony established (1535)
- British America (1607-1783)
- Beaver Wars (1609-1701)
- Hudson's Bay Company founded (1670)
- King William's War (1688-1697)
- French-Indian Wars (1688-1763)
- Queen Anne's War (1702-1713)
- Dummer's War (1722-1725)
- King George's War (1744-1748)
- Father Le Loutre's War (1749-1755)
- British North America (1783-1907)
- Rebellions of 1837-1838
- Durham Report (1839)
- Burning of the parliament Buildings in Montreal (1849)
- British Province of Canada (1841-1867)
- British Colony of Vancouver Island (1849-1866)
- Colony of British Columbia (1858-1866)
- Quebec Conference (1864)
- Canadian Confederation is formed (1867)
- Alaska boundary dispute (1867-1903)
- Indian Act (1876)
- Statute of Westminster signed by United Kingdom (1931)
(This post includes any nation or civilization that occupied at least a portion of Canada at some point. Unless specified otherwise, the dates correspond to when a nation or civilization existed, but do not necessarily correspond to occupation of Canada.)