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Saturday, June 25, 2022

List of history of philosophy posts

This post is a list of history of philosophy posts. There are 50 posts listed below chronologically by post date.


    Person timelines


  1. Basic timeline of Ludwig Wittgenstein
  2. Basic timeline of Aristotle
  3. Basic timeline of Friedrich Nietzsche
  4. Basic timeline of David Hume
  5. Basic timeline of Immanuel Kant
  6. Basic timeline of Rene Descartes
  7. Basic timeline of Francis Bacon
  8. Basic timeline of Jean-Paul Sartre
  9. Basic timeline of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  10. Basic timeline of John Locke
  11. Basic timeline of Thomas Hobbes
  12. Basic timeline of Soren Kierkegaard
  13. Basic timeline of Blaise Pascal
  14. Basic timeline of Baruch Spinoza
  15. Basic timeline of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
  16. Basic timeline of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  17. Basic timeline of Arthur Schopenhauer
  18. Basic timeline of John Stuart Mill
  19. Basic timeline of Charles Sander Peirce
  20. Basic timeline of William James
  21. Basic timeline of Edmund Husserl
  22. Basic timeline of Bertrand Russell
  23. Basic timeline of Jacques Derrida
  24. Basic timeline of Gilles Deleuze
  25. Basic timeline of Marshall McLuhan
  26. Basic timeline of Thomas Kuhn
  27. Basic timeline of Willard Van Orman Quine
  28. Basic timeline of Karl Popper
  29. Basic timeline of Michel Foucault
  30. Basic timeline of Aldous Huxley
  31. Basic timeline of Thomas Aquinas


    Philosophy books


  1. List of Friedrich Nietzsche books
  2. Collection of influential epistemology works
  3. List of books in Aristotle's Organon
  4. List of Ludwig Wittgenstein works
  5. List of chapters in Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche
  6. List of chapters in An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume
  7. List of main propositions in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein
  8. List of chapters in Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant
  9. Collection of Plato works
  10. Collection of Aristotle works
  11. Collection of Terence McKenna books
  12. Collection of Malcolm Gladwell books
  13. Collection of works by Gilles Deleuze
  14. Collection of works by Jacques Derrida
  15. Collection of works by RĂ©ne Descartes


    Miscellaneous history of philosophy


  1. List of influential ancient Greek philosophers
  2. List of influential postmodern philosophers
  3. List of influential existential philosophers
  4. List of principles in Peter Deunov's teachings





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