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Saturday, October 3, 2020
Basic timeline of John Stuart Mill
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons, George Frederic Watts
This post is a basic timeline of philosopher John Stuart Mill (1806-1873). There are 10 events listed below chronologically. Source: Wikipedia
- 1806: Born in London, England
- 1823: Begins working for the British East India Company
- 1843: Publishes A System of Logic
- 1848: Publishes Principles of Political Economy
- 1859: Publishes On Liberty
- 1861: Publishes Considerations on Representative Government
- 1863: Publishes Utilitarianism
- 1865: Becomes rector of University of St. Andrews
- 1869: Publishes The Subjection of Women
- 1873: Died at age 66 in Avignon, France