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Sunday, January 9, 2022
Collection of Aristotle works
This post is a collection of Aristotle works. There are 33 works listed below alphabetically.
- Categories (Organon)
- Economics
- Eudemian Ethics
- Generation of Animals
- History of Animals
- Nicomachean Ethics
- Magna Moralia
- Metaphysics
- Meteorology
- Movement of Animals
- On Divination in Sleep (Parva Naturalia)
- On Dreams (Parva Naturalia)
- On Generation and Corruption
- On the Heavens
- On Interpretation (Organon)
- On Length and Shortness of Life (Parva Naturalia)
- On Memory (Parva Naturalia)
- On Sleep (Parva Naturalia)
- On the Soul
- On Virtues and Vices
- On Youth, Old Age, Life and Death, and Respiration (Parva Naturalia)
- Parts of Animals
- Physics
- Poetics
- Politics
- Posterior Analytics (Organon)
- Prior Analytics (Organon)
- Progression of Animals
- Protrepticus
- Rhetoric
- Sense and Sensibilia (Parva Naturalia)
- Sophistical Refutations (Organon)
- Topics (Organon)
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