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Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Basic timeline of John Locke
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons, Herman Verelst
This post is a basic timeline of John Locke (1632-1704). There are 12 events listed below chronologically. Source: Wikipedia
- 1632: Born in Wrington, England
- 1647: Enrolls at Westminster School in London
- 1652: Enrolls at University of Oxford
- 1666: Treats Anthony Ashley Cooper for a liver infection
- 1667: Becomes physician for Anthony Ashley Cooper in London, England
- 1669: Publishes Fundamental Constitutions of Caroline
- 1683: Flees to Netherlands for suspicion of the Rye House Plot
- 1689: Publishes Letters Concerning Toleration
- 1689: Publishes Two Treatises on Government
- 1689: Publishes An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
- 1693: Publishes Some Thoughts Concerning Education
- 1704: Died at age 72 in High Laver, England