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Saturday, October 3, 2020
Basic timeline of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons, Lazarus Gottlieb Sichling
This post is a basic timeline of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831). There are 16 events listed below chronologically. Source: Wikipedia
- 1770: Born in Stuttgart, Germany
- 1788: Enrolls at University of Tubingen
- 1793: Becomes a tutor in Bern, Switzerland
- 1797: Becomes a tutor in Frankfurt, Germany
- 1801: Becomes professor at the University of Jena
- 1802: Founds journal Kritische Journal der Philosophie with Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
- 1807: Publishes The Phenomenology of Spirit
- 1807: Becomes editor at Bamberger Zeitung in Bamberg, Germany
- 1808: Becomes rector of a gymnasium in Nuremberg, Germany
- 1812-1816: Publishes Science of Logic
- 1816: Becomes chair at Heidelberg University
- 1817: Publishes Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Science
- 1818: Becomes chair of University of Berlin
- 1820: Publishes Elements of the Philosophy of Right
- 1829: Becomes rector of University of Berlin
- 1831: Died at age 61 in Berlin, Germany