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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Quotes about knowledge and language

This post is some of my quotes about knowledge and language. There are 12 quotes below. An updated version of this post can be found at this link: Collection of quotes from Knowledge and Representation




1. "Principles constitute the outline of our knowledge. We can add to this list of principles and create dynamic systems. In this regard, principles help organize our thoughts into coherent structures." (What is a principle? 2018)


2. "I enjoy collecting quotes and organizing them into clear structures. To me, structured quotes usually stick in my mind stronger than continuous prose. Even when I write normally, I try keep my paragraphs short and clear." (Quotes and the organization of thoughts, 2018)




3. "It's important to know the reasons why you believe something and be able to point to pieces of evidence that support your argument. The benefit of this method is that it forces a person to be explicit about why they believe a certain thing." (What is an argument? 2018)


4. "The first step is to figure out what exactly is being debated. This would be to determine a statement that one side believes is true while the other believes is false. Surprisingly, this can be difficult in some cases but its a necessary pre-requite." (What is bias? 2018)


5. "The second step is for each side to provide a list of concise reasons why they hold their belief. Each side should be limited to about 5 reasons. Each reason should be clearly stated and consist of no more than a few sentences. This enables the structure of the belief to become transparent." (What is bias? 2018)


6. "Instead of arguing against a morphing argument, we can hold each side still and dissect each belief. In this regard, we can discover that some reasons are false or have a weak connection to the proposition." (What is bias? 2018)




7. "I believe that language is formed through establishment rather than usage. For example, imagine that we have a a million different color shades and we want to give a word to each shade. In this situation, we could name every color a separate number. This process would establish many word-concept relationships. Although we wouldn't use every color shade, the meanings would still remain." (What is establishment? 2018)


8. "I believe that almost every word in the English language has multiple meanings... For example, the word 'for' could indicate a length of time or an occasion in a series. Another example, the word 'in' could mean that something is surrounded by something else or refer to a condition." (What is literal? 2018)


9. "Instead of trying to differentiate between objective and subjective statements, I think of statements existing along a continuum. I believe there are too many unseen misinterpretation traps to safely conclude that a statement is 100% objective (except for mathematics and logic symbols). As a resolution, I believe we should use the word 'objective' in a subjective manner." (What is objective? 2018)


10. "These examples show that being perfectly literal is somewhat of an elusive task. For most words, it's not clear what the primary meaning is. In this regard, we can only subjectively choose what we believe is most literal meaning." (What is literal? 2018)




11. "I exist. Consciousness exists. Experience exists. A sense exists. A perception exists. Reality exists. Time exists... I believe that these seven propositions are necessary for any hallucination to happen. In this regard, even the most elaborate hallucination could not negate any of these propositions." (What is a fact? 2018)


12. "If the self didn't exist, there would be nobody to view the hallucination. If consciousness didn't exist, the hallucination wouldn't have been seen. If experience didn't exist, the hallucination wouldn't have been endured. If a senses didn't exist, there would be no way to access data about the hallucination. If a perception didn't exist, the hallucination wouldn't have been perceived. If reality didn't exist, there would be nothing. If time didn't exist, there would be no seconds to experience the hallucination." (What is a fact? 2018)



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