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Sunday, September 9, 2018

Quotes and the organization of thoughts


Photo source: Wikimedia Commons, Mauro Cateb

Photo license: CC BY-SA 3.0


I believe that many of our thoughts can be represented in quote form. While some thoughts can be expressed in a single sentence, other thoughts are more complex and require an entire paragraph.


In my opinion, converting a thought into a quote is one of the most important activities an intellectual can engage in. Thoughts existing in the mind are hidden and it's the duty of an intellectual to create physical representations of these thoughts.


I like to think that every quote is a unique pebble. Every quote has its own unique properties and dynamics. Although a quote might have a similar meaning to another quote, it will still have a unique nature in the way the words are utilized. Also similar to pebbles, quotes can be very beautiful.


I enjoy collecting quotes and organizing them into clear structures. To me, structured quotes are easier to understand than continuous prose. Even when I write normally, I try to keep my paragraphs short and clear. Either way, I'm trying to organize thoughts into coherent structures.



License: CC BY-SA 4.0