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Monday, September 10, 2018

What is abstract?


Photo source: Wikimedia Commons, Wassily Kandinsky


What is abstract? I have two definitions:


1. Abstract is the attribute of existing in conceptual form


2. Abstract is the attribute of art that does not attempt to look like realistic objects


The rest of this post is an explanation of each definition.


1. Abstract is the condition of existing in conceptual form


I believe that all language is abstract. Every word represents a concept and the physical form of a word usually has zero resemblance to the concept. The only reason that words work is because we have memorized the corresponding concept.


When a piece of literature is complex, it becomes even more abstract. This is because the concepts are becoming even more detached from physical reality. In this situation, the literature is usually placing difficult concepts on top of an already complex concepts.


2. Abstract is the condition of art that does not attempt to look like a realistic object


The painting above is called 'Brun suplemente' and was created by Wassily Kandindsky in 1935. Although this painting is beautiful, it does not attempt to look realistic. When I look at this painting, I see a book but it also includes many shapes and lines that go against this interpretation. All of the extra shapes which have no correspondence in reality make this painting abstract.



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