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Monday, July 31, 2023

Top 10 largest Washingtonian islands by area


Photo source: Wikimedia Commons, Pfly

Photo license: CC BY-SA 3.0


This post is a list of the top largest Washingtonian islands by area. Source: Wikipedia


  1. Whidbey Island: 168 miles sq.
  2. Orcas Island*: 57 miles sq.
  3. San Juan Island*: 55 miles sq.
  4. Fidalgo Island: 41 miles sq.
  5. Camano Island: 40 miles sq.
  6. Vashon Island: 36 miles sq.
  7. Lopez Island*: 29 miles sq.
  8. Bainbridge Island: 27 miles sq.
  9. Harstine Island: 18 miles sq.
  10. Fir Island: 15 miles sq.


* Not labeled in photo (part of San Juan Islands)





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