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Monday, July 31, 2023

Top 10 largest Alaskan islands by area


Photo source: Wikimedia Commons, Ian Macky, PAT Atlas


This post is list of the top 10 largest islands in Alaska by area. Source: Wikipedia


  1. Kodiak Island: 3.5 thousand miles sq.
  2. Prince of Wales Island: 2.5 thousand miles sq.
  3. Chichagof Island: 2.0 thousand miles sq.
  4. St. Lawrence Island: 1.9 thousand miles sq.
  5. Admiralty Island*: 1.6 thousand miles sq.
  6. Nunivak Island: 1.6 thousand miles sq.
  7. Unimak Island: 1.5 thousand miles sq.
  8. Baranof Island: 1.5 thousand miles sq.
  9. Revillagigedo Island*: 1.1 thousand miles sq.
  10. Kupreanof Island*: 1.0 thousand miles sq.


* Not labeled in photo





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