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Sunday, July 24, 2022

List of Worlds in Kabbalah

This post is a list of Worlds in Kabbalah. There are 5 Worlds listed below in descending order.


1. Adam Kadmon: Primordial Man

"...supreme above the Worlds, and therefore is generally not included whenever the Worlds are rereferred to."


2. Atziluth: Emanation

"...the light of the Ein Sof radiates, but is still united with its source."


3. Beri'ah: Creation

"...first concept of creatio ex nihilio (Yesh miAyin), however without yet shape or form, as the creations of Beriah sense their own existence..."


4. Yetzirah: Formation

"...created being assume shape and form."


5. Asiyah: Action

"...creation is complete, differentiated and particular, as by this point the Divine vitality has undergone much concealment and diminution."


Source: Wikipedia: Four Worlds, 6.28.22 UTC 17:58

License: CC BY-SA 3.0