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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

List of Veritasium physics videos


This post is a list of physics videos on Veritasium's YouTube channel. The sections are based on a physics outline I created in an earlier post which can be found at this link. A further explanation of this post can be found at this link.


Click here to view Vertiasium's channel


This post was last updated August 13th, 2019. There are 159 videos listed below organized into 20 sections:


1. Cosmology (3)

2. Astronomy (12)

3. Particles (14)

4. Elements (3)

5. Molecules (7)

6. Chemical reactions (3)

7. Thermodynamics (20)

8. Classical mechanics (21)

9. Fluid dynamics (14)

10. Special relativity (4)

11. Gravity (25)

12. Optics (7)

13. Sound (3)

14. Electromagnetism (8)

15. Quantum mechanics (7)

16. Strong force (0)

17. Weak force (9)

18. String theory (0)

19. Dark matter (0)

20. Dark energy (0)


1. Cosmology


How the quantum vacuum gave rise to galaxies (5:31)

Misconceptions about the universe (5:46)

Nobel Prize winner Brian Schmidt - Physics 2011 (7:13)


2. Astronomy


How old is the Earth? (2:47)

Where did the Earth come from? (3:57)

How far away is the moon? (1:50)

What causes the phases of the moon? (4:33)

Water on the moon? (6:04)

Total solar eclipse (5:21)

13 misconceptions about global warming (6:50)

Climate change is boring (4:56)

An astronaut's view of Earth (4:00)

First flight on another planet (16:01)

Why Apollo Astronauts trained at a nuclear test site (13:08)

Do aliens exist? (6:36)


3. Particles


Atomic theory (2:33)

Atomic rant (2:58)

What are atoms and isotopes (2:58)

Thomson's Plum Pudding model of the atom (2:17)

Cathode rays lead to Thomson's model of the atom (3:13)

Free Higgs! (3:20)

What now for the Higgs boson? (8:00)

Your mass is not from the Higgs boson (6:50)

Where do trees get their mass? (4:10)

World's heaviest weight (5:45)

This particle breaks time symmetry (8:59)

Empty space is not empty (4:46)

Can we really touch anything? (8:25)

The best and worst prediction in science (8:43)


4. Elements


Making solid nitrogen (4:43)

Spinning sphere of molten sodium (8:27)

Uranium: twisting the dragon's tail (3:31)


5. Molecules


What is water made of? (1:07)

Snatoms! The magnetic molecular modeling kit (3:25)

How to make graphene (3:41)

Your body's molecular machines (6:21)

Indestructible coating?! (7:09)

World's lightest solid (12:02)

I waterproofed myself with Aerogel (12:22)


6. Chemical reactions


What is chemistry? (1:32)

Corn flour fireball (3:05)

Welding in space (6:53)


7. Thermodynamics


States of matter (4:53)

Misconceptions about temperature (3:59)

Misconceptions about heat (5:11)

What the Fahrenheit? (5:24)

Celsius didn't invent Celsius (8:12)

Why is ice slippery (2:54)

Ice spikes explained (4:01)

Ice cutting experiment I (1:18)

Ice cutting experiment II (2:52)

Does pressure melt ice? (1:38)

Fire syringe (3:19)

Fire in zero-g (7:48)

Sandwich bag fire starter (5:36)

What's in a candle flame? (2:41)

Make plasma with grapes in the microwave (5:31)

How microwaving grapes makes plasma (8:16)

Is glass a liquid? (7:02)

Supercooled water explained (3:36)

Why are 96,000,000 black balls on this reservoir? (12:07)


8. Classical mechanics


What is a force? (3:40)

What forces are acting on you? (2:25)

Three incorrect laws of motion (2:29)

Best film on Newton's third law (4:38)

Egg experiment to demonstrate inertia (1:10)

Bullet block experiment (1:51)

Bullet block explained (9:51)

How to launch a nuclear missile (7:42)

Why does the Earth spin? (2:52)

How does the Earth spin? (4:42)

Gyroscopic precession (3:49)

Anti-gravity wheel? (5:42)

Anti-gravity wheel explained (4:03)

Spinning tube trick (3:20)

Spinning tube trick explained (3:40)

Spinning disk trick (1:51)

Spinning disk solution (4:16)

Spool trick (1:18)

Stringless yo-yo! (4:52)

What's the best high jump technique? (4:42)

Galileo the scientific parrot (2:36)


9. Fluid dynamics


How does a wing actually work? (2:51)

How does a sailboat actually work? (4:37)

How does a boomerang work? (2:53)

The science of curveballs (4:07)

Hydrodynamic levitation (6:09)

What is the Magnus force? (3:47)

Backspin basketball flies off dam (3:01)

Imploding drum (5:01)

Epic slow-mo drum implosions! (6:53)

These liquids look alive (5:16)

Does water swirl the other way in the southern hemisphere? (5:59)

Seeing the invisible: slow motion Schlieren Imaging (6:32)

Schlieren imaging in color (8:59)

Slow-mo non-Newtonian fluid on a speaker (6:34)


10. Special relativity


Can you go the speed of light? (4:13)

Will this go faster than light? (6:40)

Can you perceive acceleration? (3:34)

How special relativity makes magnets work (4:19)


11. Gravity


What is gravity? (2:08)

The difference between mass and weight (3:15)

Why does the moon orbit Earth? (1:35)

Calculating gravitational attraction (3:31)

Which hits the ground first? (3:03)

Misconceptions about falling objects I (3:22)

Misconceptions about falling objects II (3:00)

The best test of general relativity (11:52)

Is there gravity in space? (2:22)

Why are astronauts weightless? (3:41)

Spinning black holes (10:14)

How to understand the black hole image (9:19)

First image of a black hole! (12:07)

Gravitational wave discovery! Evidence of cosmic inflation (10:42)

The absurdity of detecting gravitational waves (9:07)

New gravitational wave discovery! (5:02)

Neutron star merger gravitational waves and gamma rays (5:26)


Slinky drop (0:57)

Slink drop answer (3:31)

How does a slinky fall? (3:51)

Supersized slow-mo slinky drop (3:02)

Does a falling slinky defy gravity? (5:46)

Beaker ball balance problem (2:01)

Explained: Beaker ball balance problem (2:28)

Chain drop experiment (0:38)

Chain drop experiment answer (2:42)


12. Optics


How to make colour with holes (5:38)

The brightest part of a shadow is in the middle (7:20)

Can you solve this shadow illusion? (3:32)

What can frogs see that we can't? (3:05)

Why the sky isn't blue (7:53)

The world in UV (11:13)

Persistence of vision (2:49)


13. Sound


Can you recover sound from images? (11:23)

Sound + Fire = Rubens' Tube (4:03)


14. Electromagnetism


World's first electric generator (3:49)

Levitating barbecue! Electromagnetic induction (3:46)

Electromagnetic levitation quadcopter (6:19)

How does a transistor work? (6:00)

Sparks from falling water: Kelvin's thunderstorm (3:40)

Can humans sense magnetic fields? (13:53)

What causes the northern lights? (4:56)

Northern lights from 100,000 ft (4:47)


15. Quantum mechanics


The original double slit experiment (7:40)

Single photon interference (6:00)

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle explained (4:12)

Is this what quantum mechanics looks like? (7:41)

Quantum entanglement & spooky action at a distance (9:16)

How does a quantum computer work? (6:47)

How to make a quantum bit (7:51)


16. Strong force


17. Weak force


Types of radiation (2:55)

Where does the sun get its energy? (6:01)

How damaging is radiation? (3:59)

Radiation vs radioactive atoms (3:01)

Why Einstein thought nuclear weapons impossible (7:38)

What could survive an atomic bomb? (2:07)

The most radioactive places on Earth (11:18)

Chernobyl - What it's like today (8:15)

Visiting Chernobyl made me think strange thoughts (7:39)


18. String theory


19. Dark matter


20. Dark energy