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Saturday, September 3, 2022

List of number significations: 1-20

This post is a list of number significations. There are 20 numbers listed below.


  1. new beginning, initiation, movement
  2. balance, harmony, partnership
  3. achievement, understanding, wisdom
  4. endurance, stability, strength
  5. adventure, curiosity, freedom
  6. happiness, love, possessions
  7. intuition, luck, self-awareness
  8. abundance, confidence, professionalism
  9. enlightenment, fulfilment, purpose
  10. completion, leadership, perfection
  11. awakening, destiny, high energy
  12. authority, growth, light
  13. judgement, motivation, organization
  14. high potential, transformation
  15. independence, healing, prosperity
  16. family, material success, wholeness
  17. opportunities, right path, victory
  18. humanitarianism, lasting benefit
  19. expansion, fresh start, goals
  20. empowerment, diplomacy, spiritual journey





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