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Saturday, August 14, 2021

List of major humanitarian crises (2021)

This post is a list of major humanitarian crises as of 2021. There are 16 crises listed below alphabetically. License: CC BY-SA 3.0


Afghanistan Taliban offensive (2021 - now)

"A successful military offensive by the Taliban allied militant groups against the government of Afghanistan and its allies began on May 1st, 2021, together with the withdrawal of most U.S. troops from Afghanistan... The offensive is noted for the rapid territorial gains of the Taliban..." (Wikipedia: 2021 Taliban offensive, 8.17.21 UTC 00:28)


Bangladesh Rohingya refugees

"Recently violence in Myanmar has escalated, so the number of refugees in Bangladesh has increased rapidly...Overcrowding from the recent population boom at Bangladesh's Rohingya refugee camps has placed a strain on its infrastructure." (Wikipedia: Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, 6.9.21 UTC 09:29)


Burkina Faso terrorism

"Terrorism in Burkina Faso refers to non-state actor violence in Burkina Faso that is carried out with the intent of causing fear and spreading extremist ideology... A series of Ouagadougou in 2016, 2017 and 2018 by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and its affiliates was particularly deadly, garnering international attention." (Wikipedia: Terrorism in Burkina Faso, 7.29.21 UTC 16:14)


Central African Republic Civil War (2012 - now)

"The current conflict arose when a new coalition of varied rebel groups, known as Séléka, accused the government of failing to abide by the peace agreements, captured many towns in 2012 and seized the capital in 2013... More than 1.1 million people have fled their homes in a county of about 5 million..." (Wikipedia: Central African Republic Civil War, 8.15.21 UTC 16:55)


Democratic Republic of Congo crisis

"According to the Food Security Portal, nearly 70 percent of the DRC population have little to no access to an adequate food supply contributing to the malnourishment of one out of every four children... Due to the ongoing violence the United Nations estimates that approximately 2.3 million person are displaced in the DRC." (Wikipedia: Poverty in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 6.25.21 UTC 01:55)


Ethiopian Tigray War (2020 - now)

"The Special Forces of the Tigray Regional government are fighting the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF), the latter being aided by the Ethiopian Federal Police, regional police, and gendarmerie forces of the neighboring Amhara and Afar Regions with the involvement of Eritrean Defense Forces..." (Wikipedia: Tigray War, 8.16.21 UTC 17:09)


Iraqi ISIL insurgency (2017 - now)

"The insurgency is a direct continuation of the War in Iraq from 2013 to 2017, with ISIL continuing armed opposition against the Shia-led Iraqi Government... In September 2017, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIL, called on ISIL supporters around the world to launch attacked on Western news media..." (Wikipedia: ISIL insurgency in Iraq, 8.13.21 UTC 23:07)


Mali War (2012 - now)

"On January 16, 2012, several insurgent groups began fighting a campaign against the Malian government for independence or greater autonomy for northern Mali, which they called Azawad... Despite the signing of a peace accord in the capital on April 15th, 2015, low-level fighting continues." (Wikipedia: Mali War, 8.13.21 UTC 20:57)


Mozambican insurgency in Cabo Delgado (2017 - now)

"The insurgency in Cabo Delgado is an ongoing conflict in Cabo Delgado Province, Mozambique, mainly fought between Islamist militants attempting to establish an Islamic state in the region and Mozambican security forces." (Wikipedia: Insurgency in Cabo Delgado, 8.15.21 UTC 11:36)


Myanmar internal conflict (1948 - now)

"Insurgencies have been ongoing in Myanmar since 1948, the year the country, then known as Burma, gained independence from the United Kingdom... Despite numerous ceasefires and the creation of autonomous self-administered zones in 2008, many groups continue to call for independence, increase autonomy or federalization of the country. " (Wikipedia: Internal conflict in Myanmar, 8.10.21 UTC 15:45)


Nigerian Boko Haram insurgency (2009 - now)

"The Boko Haram insurgency began in July 2009 when the jihadist group Boko Haram started an armed rebellion against the government of Nigeria... After years of fighting, the insurgents became increasingly aggressive and started to seize large areas of northeastern Nigeria." (Wikipedia: Boko Haram insurgency, 8.15.21 UTC 23:49)


Somali Civil War (1991 - now)

"The clan-based armed opposition groups overthrew the Barre government in 1991... The Federal Government of Somalia was established in August 2012, constituting the country's first permanent central government since the start of the civil war. International stakeholders and analysts subsequently began to describe Somalia as a 'fragile state'..." (Wikipedia: Somali Civil War, 8.16.21 UTC 11:31)


South Sudanese Civil War (2013 - 2020)

"Fighting broke out between the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) and SPLM - IO (in-opposition)... About 400,000 people were estimated to have been killed in the war by April 2018... According to the IMF in October 2017, real income had halved since 2013 and inflation was more than 300% per annum." (Wikipedia: South Sudanese Civil War, 8.16.21 UTC 08:06)


Syrian Civil War (2011 - now)

"The war is currently being fought by several factions, including the Syrian Armed Forces and its domestic and international allies, a loose alliance of mostly Sunni opposition rebel groups... Salafi jihadist groups... the mixed Kurdish-Arab Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)." (Wikipedia: Syrian Civil War, 8.14.21 UTC 05:33)


Venezuelan Crisis (2010 - now)

"[The crisis in Venezuela] has been marked by hyperinflation, escalating starvation, disease, crime and mortality rates, resulting in massive emigration from the country... An UN report estimated in March 2019 that 94% of Venezuelans lived in poverty and by 2021 almost twenty percent of Venezuelans (5.4 million) had left their country." (Wikipedia: Crisis in Venezuela, 8.16.21 UTC 21:03)


Yemeni Civil War (2014 - now)

"Houthi forces currently control the capital Sanaa and all of North Yemen except Mari Governorate. They have clashed with Saudi-backed pro-government forces loyal to Hadi... Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) have also carried out attacks against both factions..." (Wikipedia: Yemeni Civil War, 8.15.21 UTC 05:05)