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Monday, September 12, 2022

List of major arcana cards in tarot significations

This post is a list of major arcana cards in tarot significations. There are 22 cards listed below.


    0. The Fool



    1. The Magician



    2. The High Priestess



    3. The Empress



    4. The Emperor



    5. The Hierophant



    6. The Lovers



    7. The Chariot



    8. Strength



    9. The Hermit



    10. Wheel of Fortune



    11. Justice



    12. The Hanged Man



    13. Death



    14. Temperance



    15. The Devil



    16. The Tower



    17. The Star



    18. The Moon



    19. The Sun



    20. Judgement



    21. The World