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Friday, July 26, 2019

List of largest known objects in the universe


Photo source: Wikimedia Commons, Richard Powell

Photo license: CC BY-SA 2.5


This post is a list of the largest known objects in the universe. The observable universe has a diameter of 93 billion light years (ly). The actual size of the universe is unknown. The picture above has some of the largest known superclusters, but is only a fraction of the observable universe. Our home supercluster, Laniakea is shown in yellow (520 million ly across). Source: Wikipedia


Largest cosmic structures


1. Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall (10 billion ly)

2. Giant GRB Ring (5.6 billion ly)

3. Huge-LQG (4 billion ly)

4. U1.11 LQG (2.5 billion ly)

5. Clowes-Campusano LQG (2 billion ly)

6. Sloan Great Wall (1.3 billion ly)

7. BOSS Great Wall (1 billion ly)

8. Perseus-Pegasus Filament (1 billion ly)

9. Pisces-Cetus Supercluster Complex (1 billion ly)

10. Caelum Supercluster (910 million ly)


Largest galaxy superclusters


1. Pisces-Cetus Supercluster Complex (1 billion ly)

2. Caelum Supercluster (910 million ly)

3. Saraswati Supercluster (650 million ly)

4. Bootis Supercluster (620 million ly)

5. Horologium Supercluster (550 million ly)

6. Laniakea Supercluster (520 million ly)

7. Hyperion proto-supercluster (490 million ly)

8. Draco Supercluster (410 million ly)

9. SSA22 proto-supercluster (200 million ly)

10. Ursa Major Supercluster (200 million ly)


Largest galaxies


1. IC 1101 (4 million ly)

2. Hercules A (1.5 million ly)

3. Abell 2261 (1 million ly)

4. ESO 306-17 (1 million ly)

5. UGC 2885 (830 thousand ly)

6. Comet Galaxy (600 thousand ly)

7. Condor Galaxy (520 thousand ly)

8. ESO 44-46 (400 thousand ly)

9. Tadpole Galaxy (280 thousand ly)

10. Andromeda (220 thousand ly)

... Milky Way Galaxy (52 thousand ly)


Largest stars


1. UY Scuti (1,710 solar radii)

2. WOH G64 (1,540 solar radii)

3. Westerlund 1-26 (1,500 solar radii)

4. RSGC1-F02 (1,500 solar radii)

5. HD 143183 (1,470 solar radii)

6. RSGC1-F02 (1,430 solar radii)

7. VY Canis Majoris (1,420 solar radii)

8. KY Cygni (1,420 solar radii)

9. AH Scorpii (1,410 solar radii)

10. VV Cephei A (1,400 solar radii)

... Sun (1 solar radii)


Largest planets


1. GQ Lupi b (3.0 jupiter radius)

2. DH Tauri b (2.7 jupiter radius)

3. ROXs 42B (2.5 jupiter radius)

4. OTS 44 (2.3 jupiter radius)

5. Kepler-13 Ab (2.2 jupiter radius)

6. CT Chamaeleontis b (2.2 jupiter radius)

7. KOI-368.01 (2.1 jupiter radius)

8. WASP-79b (2.1 jupiter radius)

9. HAT-P-67b (2.1 jupiter radius)

10. XO-6b (2.1 jupiter radius)

... Earth (0.09 jupiter radius)