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Saturday, July 27, 2019

List of Eugene Khutoryansky physics videos


This post is a list of physics videos on Eugene Khutoryansky's YouTube channel. The sections are based on a physics outline I created in an earlier post which can be found at this link. A further explanation of this post can be found at this link.


Click here to view Eugene's channel


This post was last updated July 27th, 2019. There are 66 videos listed below organized into 20 sections:


1. Cosmology (3)

2. Astronomy (0)

3. Particles (1)

4. Elements (0)

5. Molecules (0)

6. Chemical reactions (0)

7. Thermodynamics (3)

8. Classical mechanics (4)

9. Fluid dynamics (1)

10. Special relativity (8)

11. Gravity (5)

12. Optics (5)

13. Sound (0)

14. Electromagnetism (22)

15. Quantum mechanics (10)

16. Strong force (1)

17. Weak force (1)

18. String theory (0)

19. Dark matter (0)

20. Dark energy (0)


1. Cosmology (3)


Big Bang in an infinite universe (4:22)

Infinite universe? (11:59)

Philosophy of physics (20:04)


2. Astronomy (0)


3. Particles (1)


Neutron generators using particle accelerators (5:41)


4. Elements (0)


5. Molecules (0)


6. Chemical reactions (0)


7. Thermodynamics (4)


Thermodynamics and the end of the universe (35:56)

Entropy: Why the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is a fundamental law of physics (15:10)

Entropy is not disorder: micro-state vs macro-state (10:28)

Maxwell's demon - Why information is entropy (10:40)


8. Classical mechanics (4)


Physics: laws of motion - Newton and beyond (26:02)

Torque, levers and the universal law of rotation (16:58)

Momentum and angular momentum of the universe (10:47)

Euler-Lagrange equation explained intuitively (18:22)


9. Fluid dynamics (1)


Aerodynamics - How airplanes fly, maneuver and land (8:36)


10. Special relativity (8)


Albert Einstein's theory of relativity (16:18)

Nature of time and simultaneity (8:13)

Relativistic mass and energy (5:19)

Minkowski spacetime: spacetime in special relativity (7:37)

Einstein's relativistic train in a tunnel paradox: special relativity (11:18)

At the speed of light, what would you see? (4:38)

Trying to go faster than the speed of light (4:00)


11. Gravity (5)


Gravitational time dilation causes gravitational 'attraction' (4:49)

Gravity's effect on the flow of time in general relativity (11:02)

Twin paradox in general relativity (10:40)

Einstein's gravito-electromagnetism (12:44)

Einstein's field equations of general relativity explained (28:22)


12. Optics (5)


Waves: light, sound and the nature of reality (24:58)

Lenses, refractions and optical illusions of light (16:03)

Polarization of light (19:51)

Diffraction interference patterns with phasor diagrams (17:31)

Mirrors - Why don't we see reflections in white objects? (7:24)


13. Sound (0)


14. Electromagnetism (22)


Electromagnetism - Maxwell's Laws (48:30)

Voltage, current, electricity, magnetism (11:40)

Inductors and inductance (8:36)

Induction motors - Why and how an induction motor works (10:50)

Electric circuits: basics of the voltage and current laws (9:43)

Battery energy and power (5:56)

Electric potential: visualizing voltage (8:00)

Three phase electric power and phasor diagrams explained (5:51)

AC current impedance - Alternating voltage for inductors, capacitors (8:47)

AC to DC voltage rectifiers (5:14)

Voltage multiplier: generating over 100,000 volts DC (9:14)

Transistors- field effect and bipolar transistors (12:17)

Transformers - electric power transmission (9:42)

Resistors - Ohm's law is not a real law (5:52)

Transmission lines - signal transmission and reflections (4:59)

Capacitors and capacitance: capacitor physics and circuit operation (10:02)

Boost converters and buck converters: power electronics (13:59)

Resonance circuits: LC inductor-capacitor resonating circuits (7:18)

Op amp circuits: analog computers from operational amplifiers (11:38)

Grounding and shielding of electric circuits (7:26)

Logic gates from transistors and Boolean logic (14:00)

Zener Diodes in electric circuits (4:52)


15. Quantum mechanics (10)


Quantum mechanics (25:47)

Schrodinger's equation (8:58)

Quantum wave function visualization (11:23)

Quantum entanglement, bell inequality, EPR paradox (35:37)

Quantum measurements are entanglements (29:30)

Quantum spin - visualizing the physics and mathematics (22:56)

Quantum tunneling (6:20)

Probability - quantum and classical (22:48)

Delayed choice quantum eraser (26:32)

Quantum operators (21:46)


16. Strong force (2)


Nuclear physics (17:26)

Quarks, gluon flux tubes, strong force and quantum chromodynamics (12:39)


17. Weak force (1)


Weak nuclear force and standard model (15:38)


18. String theory (0)


19. Dark matter (0)


20. Dark energy (0)