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Friday, September 18, 2020

List of elements and molecules in Earth's atmosphere

This post is a list of elements and molecules in Earth's atmosphere. There are 9 elements and molecules listed below by abundance in the atmosphere. Data source: Wikipedia


  1. Nitrogen (N2) - 78.0%
  2. Oxygen (O2) - 20.9%
  3. Argon (Ar) - 0.93%
  4. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - 0.04%
  5. Neon (Ne) - 0.001%
  6. Helium (He) - 0.0005%
  7. Methane (CH4) - 0.0001%
  8. Krypton (Kr) - 0.0001%
  9. Hydrogen (H2) - 0.00005%





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