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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

List of element groups


Photo source: Wikimedia Commons, Offnfopt


This post is a list of quotes about the element groups. There are 39 quotes and 18 element groups listed below. License: CC BY-SA 3.0


1. Group 1 (alkali metals and hydrogen)


Hydrogen (1). Lithium (3), Sodium (11), Potassium (19), Rubidium (37), Caesium (55), Francium (87)


"All alkali metals have their outermost electron in an s-orbital: this shared electron configuration results in their having very similar characteristic properties." (Wikipedia: Alkali metal, 8.13.21 UTC 00:46)


"The alkali metals are all shiny, soft, highly reactive metals at standard temperature and pressure and readily lose their outermost electron to form cations with charge +1." (Wikipedia: Alkali metal, 8.13.21 UTC 00:46)


"All the alkali metals are highly reactive and are never found in elemental forms in nature." (Wikipedia: Alkali metal, 8.13.21 UTC 00:46)


2. Alkaline earth metals


Helium (2), Beryllium (4), Magnesium (12), Calcium (20), Strontium (38), Barium (56), Radium (88)


"[Alkaline earth metals] have very similar properties: they are all shiny, silvery-white, somewhat reactive metals at standard temperature and pressure." (Wikipedia: Alkaline earth metal, 7.22.21 UTC 18:23)


"Structurally, they (together with helium) have in common an outer s-orbital which is full..." (Wikipedia: Alkaline earth metal, 7.22.21 UTC 18:23)


"The alkaline earth metals react with the halogens to form ionic halides, such as calcium chloride, as well as reacting with oxygen to form oxides such strontium oxide." (Wikipedia: Alkaline earth metal, 7.22.21 UTC 18:23)


3. Scandium group


Scandium (21), Yttrium (39), Lanthanum (57), Lutetium (71), Actinium (89), Lawrencium (103)


"All group 3 elements are rather soft, silvery-white metals, although their hardness increases with atomic number." (Wikipedia: Group 3 element, 7.8.21 UTC 13:07)


"Scandium, yttrium and lutetium have no documented biological role in living organisms." (Wikipedia: Group 3 element, 7.8.21 UTC 13:07)


"Scandium, yttrium, lanthanum, and lutetium tend to occur together with the other lanthanides (except promethium) in the Earth's crust, and are often harder to extract from their ores." (Wikipedia: Group 3 element, 7.8.21 UTC 13:07)


4. Titanium group


Titanium (22), Zirconium (40), Hafnium (72), Rutherfordium (104)


"All the group 4 elements are hard, refractory metals. Their inherent reactivity is completely masked due to the formation of a dense oxide layer that protects them from corrosion..." (Wikipedia: Group 4 element, 6.5.21 UTC 19:57)


"The group 4 elements are not known to be involved in the biological chemistry of any living systems." (Wikipedia: Group 4 element, 6.5.21 UTC 19:57)


"The chemistry of group 4 elements is dominated by the group oxidation state." (Wikipedia: Group 4 element, 6.5.21 UTC 19:57)


5. Vanadium group


Vanadium (23), Niobium (41), Tantalum (73), Dubnium (105)


"The lighter three group 5 elements occur naturally and share similar properties; all three are hard refractory metals under standard conditions." (Wikipedia: Group 5 element, 1.12.21 UTC 06:58)


"All the elements of the group are reactive metals with high melting points." (Wikipedia: Group 5 element, 1.12.21 UTC 06:58)


"Out of the group 5 elements, only vanadium has been identified as playing a role in the biological chemistry of living systems, but even it plays a very limited role in biology, and is more important in ocean environments than on land." (Wikipedia: Group 5 element, 1.12.21 UTC 06:58)


6. Chromium group


Chromium (24), Molybdenum (42), Tungsten (74), Seaborgium (106)


"Unlike other groups, the members of this family do not show patterns in its electron configuration, as two lighter members of the group are exceptions from the Aufbau principle." (Wikipedia: Group 6 element, 7.13.21 UTC 06:30)


7. Manganese group


Manganese (25), Technetium (43), Rhenium (75), bohrium (107)


"Only manganese has a role in the human body. It is an essential trace nutrient with the body containing approximately 10 milligrams at any given time... Technetium, rhenium and bohrium have no known biological roles." (Wikipedia: Group 7 element, 5.14.21 UTC 13:22)


8. Iron group


Iron (26), Ruthenium (44), Osmium (76), Hassium (108)


"The first three elements are hard silvery-white metals." (Wikipedia: Group 8 element, 4.6.21 UTC 10:57)


"Iron is a very common element that is used for things like steel and ferromagnetic properties. It is among the most common build materials of today." (Wikipedia: Group 8 element, 4.6.21 UTC 10:57)


9. Cobalt group


Cobalt (27), Rhodium (45), Iridium (77), Meitnerium (109)


"The first three elements are hard silvery-white metals." (Wikipedia: Group 9 element, 3.2.21 UTC 17:37)


10. Nickel group


Nickel (28), Palladium (46), Platinum (78), Darmstadtium (110)


"Group 10 metals are white to light grey in color, and possess a high luster, a resistance to tarnish (oxidation) at [standard temperature and pressure], are highly ductile, and enter into oxidation states of +2 and +4, with +1 being seen in special conditions." (Wikipedia: Group 10 element, 3.23.21 UTC 14:43)


11. Copper group


Copper (29), Silver (47), Gold (79), Roentgenium (111)


"All group 11 elements are relatively inert, corrosion-resistant metals... These elements have low electrical resistivity so they are used for wiring." (Wikipedia: Group 11 element, 7.25.21 UTC 15:43)


12. Zinc group


Zinc (30), Cadmium (48), Mercury (80), Copernicium (112)


"The group 12 elements are all soft, diamagnetic, divalent metals. They have the lowest melting points among all transition metals." (Wikipedia: Group 12 element, 6.38.21 UTC 15:30)


"While zinc is very important in the biochemistry of living organisms, cadmium and mercury are both highly toxic." (Wikipedia: Group 12 element, 6.38.21 UTC 15:30)


13. Boron group


Boron (5), Aluminum (13), Gallium (31), Indium (49), Thallium (81), Nihonium (113)


"Although situated in p-block, the group is notorious for violation of the octet rule by its members boron and (to a lesser extent) aluminum. These elements may place only six electrons (in three molecular orbitals) onto valence shell." (Wikipedia: Boron group, 7.29.21 UTC 19:49)


"Boron differs from the other group members in its hardness, refractivity and reluctance to participate in metallic bonding." (Wikipedia: Boron group, 7.29.21 UTC 19:49)


14. Carbon group


Carbon (6), Silicon (14), Germanium (32), Tin (50), Lead (82), Flerovium (114)


"Each of the elements in this group has 4 electrons in its outer shell... Those elements, especially carbon and silicon, have a strong propensity for covalent bonding, which usually brings the outer shell to eight electrons." (Wikipedia: Carbon Group, 8.12.21 UTC 15:34)


15. Pnictogens


Nitrogen (7), Phosphorus (15), Arsenic (33), Antimony (51), Bismuth (83), Moscovium (115)


"The pnictogens consist of two nonmetals (one gas, one solid), two metalloids, one metal, and one element with unknown chemical properties." (Wikipedia: Pnictogen, 6.8.21 UTC 16:16)


"This group has the defining characteristic that all the component elements have 5 electrons in their outermost shell, that is 2 electrons in the s subshell and 3 unpaired electrons in the p subshell." (Wikipedia: Pnictogen, 6.8.21 UTC 16:16)


"These elements are also noted for their stability in compounds due to their tendency for forming double and triple covalent bonds. This is the property of these elements which leads to their potential toxicity..." (Wikipedia: Pnictogen, 6.8.21 UTC 16:16)


16. Chalcogens


Oxygen (8), Sulfur (16), Selenium (34), Tellurium (52), Polonium, 84), Livermorium (116)


"Often, oxygen is treated separately from the other chalcogens, sometimes even excluded from the scope of the term 'chalcogen' altogether, due to its very different chemical behavior from sulfur, selenium, tellurium and polonium." (Wikipedia: Chalcogen, 6.29.21 UTC 13:36)


"All of the chalcogens have six valence electrons, leaving them two electrons short of a full outer shell." (Wikipedia: Chalcogen, 6.29.21 UTC 13:36)


"All of the solid stable chalcogens are soft and do not conduct heat well." (Wikipedia: Chalcogen, 6.29.21 UTC 13:36)


17. Halogens


Fluorine (9), Chlorine (17), Bromine (35), Iodine (53), Astatine (85), Tennessine (117)


"The group of halogens is the only periodic table group that contains elements in three of the main states of matter at standard temperature and pressure." (Wikipedia: Halogen, 8.17.21 UTC 15:27)


"Halogens are highly reactive, and as such can be harmful or lethal to biological organisms in sufficient quantities. This high reactivity is due to the high electronegativity of the atoms due to their high effective nuclear charge." (Wikipedia: Halogen, 8.17.21 UTC 15:27)


"All of the halogens form acids when bonded to hydrogen." (Wikipedia: Halogen, 8.17.21 UTC 15:27)


18. Noble gases


Helium (2), Neon (10), Argon (18), Krypton (36), Xenon (54), Radon (86), Oganesson (118)


"...they are all odorless, colorless, monatomic gases with very low chemical reactivity." (Wikipedia: Noble gas, 8.8.21 UTC 23:25)


"The noble gases have full valence electron shells... Atoms with full valence electron shells are extremely stable and therefore do not tend to form chemical bonds and have little tendency to gain or lose electrons." (Wikipedia: Noble gas, 8.8.21 UTC 23:25)


"The noble gases have weak interatomic force, and consequently have very low melting and boiling points." (Wikipedia: Noble gas, 8.8.21 UTC 23:25)