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Saturday, July 29th, 2023

List of countries in the Carribean


Photo source: Wikimedia Commons


This post is a list of countries in the Caribbean. There are 13 countries listed below by population between 2018 and 2022. Source: Wikipedia


  1. Haiti: 11.7 million
  2. Cuba: 11.0 million
  3. Dominican Republic: 10.5 million
  4. Jamaica: 2.8 million
  5. Trinidad and Tobago: 1.3 million
  6. Bahamas: 397 thousand
  7. Barbados: 267 thousand
  8. Saint Lucia: 178 thousand
  9. Grenada: 112 thousand
  10. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: 110 thousand
  11. Antigua and Barbuda: 100 thousand
  12. Dominica: 67 thousand
  13. Saint Kitts and Nevis: 47 thousand*



* Saint Kitts and Nevis data is from 2011