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Saturday, May 28, 2022

List of chapters in the Bhagavad Gita

This post is a list of chapters in the Bhagavad Gita. There are 18 chapters listed below.


  1. Arjuna's Grief
  2. Yoga of Knowledge
  3. Karma Yoga
  4. Renunciation of Action
  5. Yoga of True Renunciation
  6. Yoga of Meditation
  7. Knowledge and Wisdom
  8. Imperishable Brahman
  9. The Royal Secret
  10. Divine Glories
  11. The Cosmic Form
  12. Yoga of Devotion
  13. The Field and Its Knower
  14. The Yoga of Gunas
  15. Yoga of the Supreme Spirit
  16. Divine and Devilish Estates
  17. The Threefold Path
  18. Liberation Through Renunciation





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