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Monday, July 6, 2020

List of books in my library

This post is a list of books I currently own. There are 171 books organized into 14 subjects.


1. Art (15)

2. Chemistry (2)

3. Computer science (2)

4. Economics (40)

5. General science (6)

6. Inventions (5)

7. Mathematics (1)

8. Music (4)

9. Neuroscience (1)

10. Novels (3)

11. Philosophy (67)

12. Physics (17)

13. Politics (2)

14. Psychology (6)


1. Art (15)


Air - Laforet

Artists: Their Lives and Works - DK

Basquiat (comic) - Parisi

Basquiat and the Hip-Hop Generation - Munsell, Tate

Escher on Escher - Exploring the Infinite

Fashion - DK

History of Art - Janson

History of Modern Art - Arnason

Leonardo Da Vinci - Isaacson

Leonardo's Notebooks - Suh

Key Moments in Art - Cheshire

Man-Made Wonders - DK

Modern Art - Dempsey

Oxford Dictionary of Art, The - Chilvers, Osborne, Farr

Vincent by Himself - Bernard


2. Chemistry (2)


Cartoon Guide to Chemistry, The - Gonick, Criddle

Molecules - Gray


3. Computer science (2)


Computer Book, The - Garfinkle, Grunspan

Steve Jobs (cartoon) - Quinn, Tayal


4. Economics (40)


4.1 Classics (2)


Economic History, Vol. 1, Ashley

Wealth of Nations, The - Smith


4.2 Critique of modern economics (7)


Economics - Chang

Economics and its Discontents - Malko

Economics Rules - Rodrik

Econocracy, The - Earl, Moran, Ward-Perkins

Methodology of Economics, The - Blaug

Nature and State of Modern Economics, The - Lawson

On the Use and Misuse of Theories and Models in Mainstream Economics - Syll


4.3 Econometrics (4)


Mastering Metrics - Angrist, Pischke

Mostly Harmless Econometrics - Angrist, Pischke

On the Accuracy of Economic Observations - Morgenstern

Undercover Economist - Harford


4.4 Finance (10)


Against the Gods - Bernstein

Bank Management & Financial Services - Rose, Hudgins

Big Short, The - Lewis

Black Swan, The - Taleb

Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets - Mishkin

Fate of the States - Whitney

Financial Markets & Institutions - Mishkin, Eakins

International Financial Management - Madura

Investments - Hirschey, Nofsinger

This Time is Different - Reinhart, Rogoff


4.5 History of economic thought (5)


Economix: How Our Economy Works - Goodwin, Burr

Knowledge and the Wealth of Nations - Warsh

History of Economic Thought, The - (compilation of essays)

History of Economics - Galbraith

Worldly Philosophers, The - Heilbroner


4.6 Macroeconomics (2)


Macroeconomics - Abel, Bernanke, Croushore

Map and the Territory, The - Greenspan


4.7 Microeconomics (1)


Microeconomics - Besanko, Braeutigam


4.8 Miscellaneous economics (9)


Balance - Hubbard, Kane

Capital in the Twenty-First Century - Piketty

Current Economic Issues - Dollars & Sense

Economics Book, The - DK

Evidence-Based Policy - Cartwright, Hardie

How Markets Fail - John Cassidy

Next 100 Years, The - Friedman

Stiglitz Report, The - Stiglitz

Superforecasting - Tetlock, Gardner


5. General Science (6)


1001 Things Everyone Should Know About Science -Trefil

Beginnings of Western Science, The - Lindberg

Quantum Leaps - Balchin

Science Book, The - DK

Science in 100 Key Breakthroughs - Parsons

Trends in Science: Physics - Cooper


6. Inventions (5)


How Things Work Today - Wright, Patel

Industries of the Future, The - Ross

Inventing the Future - Srnicek, Williams

New Way Things Work, The - Macaulay

Story of Thomas Alva Edison, The - Cousins


7. Mathematics (1)


Math Book, The - DK


8. Music (4)


Composers - Fandex

Introduction to the Musical Brain - Campbell

Philosophies of Music History - Allen

This is Your Brain on Music - Levitin


9. Neuroscience (1)


Neuronal Man - Changeux


10. Novels (3)


Anna Karenin - Tolstoy

Faust: Part 1 - Goethe


11. Philosophy (67)


11.1 Consciousness (4)


Conscious Mind, The - Chalmers

Consciousness - Koch

Consciousness Explained - Dennett

Other Minds - Godfrey-Smith


11.2 Epistemology (14)


A Treatise of Human Nature - David Hume

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding - Hume

Basic Writings of Kant - Kant

Discourse on Method - Descartes

Introducing Kant (comic) - Kul-Want, Klimowski

Man Who Saw the Future , The- Eiseley

Meditations on First Philosophy - Descartes

Novum Organum - Bacon

On Certainty - Ludwig Wittgenstein

Organon - Aristotle

Philosophy of Science - (compilation of essays)

Three Dialogues - George Berkeley

Trouble With Reality, The - Gladstone

Truth - Blackburn


11.3 Ethics (13)


A Kierkegaard Anthology - Kierkegaard

Anti-Christ, The - Nietzsche

Birth of Tragedy, The - Nietzsche

Case of Wagner, The - Nietzsche

Ecce Homo - Friedrich Nietzsche

Gay Science, The - Nietzsche

Gravity & Grace - Weil

Nietzsche for Beginners (comic)- Gane, Chan

Myth of Sisyphus & Other, The Essays - Camus

On the Genealogy of Morals - Friedrich Nietzsche

Thus Spake Zarathustra - Nietzsche

Twilight of the Idols - Nietzsche

Utilitarianism - John Stuart Mill


11.4 History of philosophy (6)


Beginning with the Pre-Socratics - Ring

Great Philosophers, The - Law

Heretics! - Nadler, Nadler

History of Western Philosophy, The - Russell

Philosophy Book, The - DK

Story of Philosophy, The - Durant


11.5 Language (11)


Blue Book, The - Ludwig Wittgenstein

Brown Book, The - Ludwig Wittgenstein

Derrida - Norris

Introducing Semiotics (comic) - Cobley, Jansz

Introducing Wittgenstein (comic) - Heaton, Groves

Jacques Derrida's Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences - Macat Analysis

Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations - Macat Analysis

Philosophical Investigations - Wittgenstein

Structuralism and Poststructuralism for Beginners - Palmer

Theory of Meaning - (various essays)

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus - Ludwig Wittgenstein


11.6 Metaphysics (2)


Holographic Universe, The - Talbot

Mind and Cosmos - Nagel


11.7 Phenomenology (5)


At the Existentialist Cafe - Bakewell

Basic Writings - Heidegger

Heidegger for Beginners (comic) - Lemay, Pitts

Phenomenology - (compilation of essays)

Phenomenology & Existentialism - Grossmann


11.8 Miscellaneous philosophy (12)


Comparative Philosophy - Bahm

Godel, Escher, Bach - Hofstadter

Introducing Postmodernism (comic) - Appignanesi, Garratt

Little Book of Philosophy, The - Comte-Sponville

Magical Teaching - Smith

Making of a Philosopher, The - McGinn

New Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Grooten, Steenbergen

Oxford Companion to Philosophy - Honderich

Oxford Dictionary of Quotations

Philosophy - Craig

Philosophy 101 - Kleinman

Plato and a Platypus walk into a Bar - Cathcart, Klein

Republic, The - Plato


12. Physics (17)


Cartoon Guide to Physics, The - Gonick, Huffman

Cosmology - Odenwald

Einstein - Isaacson

Einstein's Universe - Nigel Calder

Elegant Universe, The - Greene

Elements, The - Gray

Light - Arcand, Watzke

Matter Myth, The - Davies, Gribbin

New Cosmos, The - Eicher

Physics Book, The - Pickover

Physics - Aristotle

Physics - Bolemon

Relativity Visualized - Epstein

Quantum Physics in Minutes - Lavender

Quarks - Fritzsch

Six Easy Pieces - Feynman

Universe in a Nutshell, The - Hawking


13. Politics (2)


On the Social Contract - Rousseau

Our Revolution - Sanders


14. Psychology (6)


An Architecture of the Mind - Markey-Towler

How the Mind Works - Pinker

Man and his Symbols - Jung

Mind Map Book, The - Buzan

Range - Epstein

What Jung Really Said - Bennet