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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons, Heritage Auctions
This post is a list of baseball hitters with at least .400 batting average in a season in the MLB as of May 10th, 2020. To qualify for this list, a player must have at least 3.1 plate appearances per scheduled game. There are 27 seasons listed below. The photo above is a Ted Williams baseball card from 1948. Data source:
1. Hugh Duffy (1894) - .440
2. Tip O'Neill (1887) - 435
3. Ross Barnes (1876) - .429
4. Willie Keeler (1897) - .424
5. Rogers Hornsby (1924) - .424
6. Nap Lajoie (1901) - .421
7. George Sisler (1922) - .420
8. Ty Cobb (1911) - .420
9. Fred Dunlap (1884) - .412
10. Ed Delahanty (1899) - .410
11. Jesse Burkett (1896) - .410
12. Jesse Burkett (1895) - .409
13. Ty Cobb (1912) - .409
14. Joe Jackson (1911) - .408
15. Sam Thompson (1894) - .407
16. George Sisler (1920) -.407
17. Ed Delahanty (1895) - .407
18. Ted Williams (1941) - .406
19. Billy Hamilton (1894) - .404
20. Ed Delahanty (1895) - 404
21. Rogers Hornsby (1925) - .403
22. Harry Heilmann (1923) - .403
23. Pete Browning (1887) - .402
24. Rogers Hornsby (1922) - .401
25. Bill Terry (1930) - .401
26. Hughie Jennings (1896) - .401
27. Ty Cobb (1922) - .401