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Thursday, June 9, 2022

List of astrology posts

This post is a list of astrology posts for this blog. There are 72 posts listed below chronologically and by topic.




  1. List of major aspects in astrology
  2. List of minor aspects in astrology




  1. List of planets by astrological sign placement: June 8th, 2022
  2. List of major astrological aspects: June 10th, 2022
  3. List of major astrological aspects: June 14th, 2022 (full moon)
  4. List of major astrological events: 2020
  5. List of major astrological events: 2021
  6. List of major astrological events: 2022
  7. List of planet retrogrades in 2022
  8. List of full moons in 2022 by astrological sign
  9. List of major astrological events: 2023
  10. Collection of historical events when Pluto was in Aquarius
  11. Collection of historical events when Neptune was in Aries: 1861-1874
  12. Collection of historical events when Uranus was in Gemini: 1941-1949
  13. List of outer planet stelliums since 1900




  1. List of sign glyphs in astrology
  2. List of planet glyphs in astrology
  3. List of major aspect glyphs in astrology
  4. List of dwarf planet and asteroid glyphs in astrology




  1. List of houses in astrology
  2. List of house triplicities in astrology
  3. List of astrological house significations
  4. List of joys by planet in astrology




  1. List of astrological signs by ruling planet
  2. List of planet basic meanings in astrology
  3. List of planet exaltation by astrological sign
  4. List of planet detriments by astrological sign
  5. List of planet falls by astrological sign
  6. List of dwarf planet and asteroid basic meanings in astrology
  7. List of planets by tarot card
  8. List of planet mooltrikona signs in Vedic astrology
  9. List of days of the week by planet in astrology
  10. List of benefic and malefic planets in astrology
  11. List of astrological signs by esoteric ruling planet
  12. List of exaltation degrees in astrology




  1. List of astrological signs
  2. List of cardinal signs in astrology
  3. List of astrological sign basic significations
  4. List of astrological signs by element
  5. List of astrological signs by month
  6. List of fixed signs in astrology
  7. List of mutable signs in astrology
  8. List of astrological sign significations
  9. List of astrological signs by tarot card
  10. List of sign representations in astrology
  11. List of tarot suits by element in astrology
  12. List of astrological sign type significations
  13. List of sign constellations in astrology
  14. List of masculine and feminine astrological signs
  15. List of astrological signs by powerful chakra
  16. List of astrological signs by power color
  17. List of numbers by astrological sign
  18. List of animals by astrological sign
  19. List of body parts by astrological sign




  1. Collection of timing techniques in astrology
  2. Explanation of zodiacal releasing in astrology
  3. Explanation of solar arc directions in astrology
  4. Explanation of secondary progressions in astrology
  5. Explanation of annual profections in astrology


    Chinese astrology


  1. List of Chinese zodiac signs
  2. List of Chinese zodiac signs by lucky element
  3. List of Chinese zodiac sign significations
  4. List of Chinese zodiac element significations
  5. List of Chinese zodiac signs by ruling planet
  6. List of Chinese deities by celestial object


    Miscellaneous astrology


  1. List of planet retrograde characteristics in astrology
  2. List of lunar event characteristics in astrology
  3. South node and north node significations in astrology
  4. List of Hermetic Lots in astrology
  5. List of sun sign, moon sign and 1st house significations in astrology
  6. Collection of quotes about astrology
  7. List of Navagraha deities by celestial body





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