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Monday, August 9, 2021

List of animal phylum

This post is a list of animal phylum. There are 31 phylum listed below alphabetically. Source: Wikipedia


1. Annelida

"[Annelids] include ragworms, earthworms and leeches... Annelids are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, coelomate, invertebrate organisms." (Wikipedia: Annelid, 8.12.21 UTC 00:56)


2. Arthropoda

"Arthropods are invertebrate animals having an exoskeleton, a segmented body, and paired jointed appendages... [Arthropods] include insects, arachnids, myriapods and crustaceans." (Wikipedia: Arthropod, 8.10.21 UTC 19:38)


3. Brachiopoda

"Brachiopods are a group of lophotrochozoan aniamls that have hard 'valve' (shells) on the upper and lower surfaces... Brachiopod valves are hinged at the read end, while the from can be opened for feeding or closed for protection." (Wikipedia: Brachiopod, 7.6.21 UTC 02:00)


4. Bryozoa

"Bryozoa are a phylum of simple, aquatic invertebrate animals, nearly all living in sedentary colonies. Typically about 0.5 millimeters long, they have a special feeding structure called a lophophore, a 'crown' of tentacles used for filter feeding." (Wikipedia: Bryozoa, 8.11.21 UTC 11:05)


5. Chaetognatha

"Chaetognatha are a phylum of predatory marine worms that are a major component of plankton worldwide." (Wikipedia: Chaetognatha, 8.3.21 UTC 00:51)


6. Chordata

"Chordata posses 5 synapomorphies, or primary characteristics... a notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord, endostyle or thyroid, pharyngeal slits and a post-anal tail... Chordates are divided into three subphyla: Vertebrata (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals); Tunicata or Urochordata (sea squirts, salps); and Cephalochordata (which includes lancelets)." (Wikipedia: Chordate, 7.20.21 UTC 14:30)


7. Cnidaria

"[Cnidarian] bodies consist of mesoglea, a non-living jelly-like substance, sandwiched between two layers of epithelium that are mostly one cell thick... Cnidarians mostly have two basic body forms: swimming medusae and sessile polyps, both of which are radially symmetrical with mouths surrounded by tentacles that bear cnidocytes." (Wikipedia: Cnidaria, 8.3.21 UTC 13:17)


8. Ctenophora

"[Ctenophora] are notable for the groups of cilia they use for swimming... Their bodies consist of a mass of jelly, with a layer two cells thick on the outside, and another lining the internal cavity." (Wikipedia: Ctenophora, 7.5.21)


9. Cycliophora

"[Cycliophora] have sac-like bodies, and three distinctly different forms in different parts of their two-stage life-cycle." (Wikipedia: Symbion, 8.9.21 UTC 15:52)


10. Echinoderm

"[Echinoderm] adults are recognizable by their (usually five-point) radial symmetry, and include starfish, sea urchins, san dollars, and sea cucumbers, as well as the sea lilies or 'stone lilies'." (Wikipedia: Echinoderm, 7.4.21 UTC 15:09)


11. Entoprocta

"[Entoprocta] mature individuals are goblet-shaped, on relatively long stalks. They have a 'crown' of solid tentacles whole cilia generate water currents that draw food particles towards the mouth..." (Wikipedia: Entoprocta, 8.2.21 UTC 23:21)


12. Gastrotrich

"Gastrotrichs have a simple body plan with a head region, with a brain and sensory organs, and a truck with a simple gut and the reproductive organs. They have adhesive glands with which they can anchor themselves to the substrate and cilia with which they move around." (Wikipedia: Gastrotrich, 7.5.21 UTC 06:45)


13. Gnathostomulida

"[Gnathostomulids] are often slender to thread-like worms, with a generally transparent body... Like flatworms, they have a ciliated epidermis, but in contrast to flatworms, they have one cilium per cell." (Wikipedia: Gnathostomulid, 8.2.21 UTC 16:25)


14. Hemichordata

"[Hemichordata] include two main classes: Enteropneusta (acorn worms) and Pterobrachia... Acorn worms are solitary worm-shaped organisms. They generally live in burrows (the earliest secreted tubes) and are deposit feeders, but some species are pharyngeal filter feeders, while the family Torquaratorida are fee living detritivores." (Wikipedia: Hemichordate, 7.6.21 UTC 05:10)


15. Kinorhyncha

"Kinorhycha is a phylum of small marine invertebrates that are widespread in mud or sand at all depths as part of the meiobenthos. They are also called mud worms." (Wikipedia: Kinorhyncha, 8.16.21 UTC 14:56)


16. Loricifera

"Loricifera is a phylum of very small to microscopic marine cycloneuralian sediment-dwelling animals... They are characterized by a protective outer case called lorica and their habitat is in the spaces between marine gravel to which they attach themselves." (Wikipedia: Loricifera, 7.31.21 UTC 02:35)


17. Micrognathozoa

"[Micrognathozoa] is a microscopic platyzoan freshwater animal... With an average length of one-tenth of a millimeter, it is one of the smallest animals known." (Wikipedia: Limnognathia, 8.2.21 UTC)


18. Mollusca

"[Molluscs] are highly diverse, not just in size and atomical structure, but also in behaviour and habitat... The three most universal features defining modern molluscs are a mantle with a significant cavity used for breathing and excretion, the presence of a radula (except for bivalves) and the structure of the nervous system. (Wikipedia: Mollusca, 8.5.21 UTC 04:22)


19. Nematoda

"The nematodes or roundworms constitute the phylum Nematoda with plant-parasitic nematodes being known as eelworms. They are a diverse animal phylum inhabiting a broad range of environments." (Wikipedia: Nematode, 7.21.21 UTC 10:19)


20. Nematomorpha

"Nematomorphs possess an external cuticle without cilia. Internally, they have only longitudinal muscle and a non-functional gut, with no excretory, respiratory or circulatory systems." (Wikipedia: Nematomorpha, 8.12.21 UTC 10:48)


21. Nemertea

"Most [Nemertea] are very slim, usually only a few millimeters wide, although a few have relatively short but wide bodies... The foregut, stomach and intestine run a little below the midline of the body, the anus is at the tip of the tail, and the mouth is under the front." (Wikipedia: Nemertea, 7.5.21 UTC 08:15)


22. Onychophora

"Onychophora, commonly known as velvet worms or more ambiguously as peripatus is a phylum of elongate, soft-bodies, many legged panarthropods." (Wikipedia: Onychophora, 8.6.21 UTC 20:14)


23. Phoronid

"Phoronids are a small phylum of marine animals that filter-feed with a lophophore (a 'crown' of tentacles), and build upright rubes of chitin to support and protect their soft bodies." (Wikipedia: Phoronid, 7.29.21 UTC 19:05)


24. Placozoa

"The Placozoa are a basal form of marine free-living (non-parasitic) multicellular organism. They are the simplest in structure of all animals." (Wikipedia: Placozoa, 8.11.21 UTC 10:47)


25. Platyhelminthes

"Unlike other bilaterians, [Platyhelminthes] are acoelomates (having no body cavity), and have no specialized circulatory and respiratory organs, which restricts them to having flattened shapes that allow oxygen and nutrients to pass through their bodies by diffusion." (Wikipedia: Flatworm, 7.18.21 UTC 20:11)


26. Porifera

"[Porifera] are multicellular organisms that have bodies full of pores and channels allowing water to circulate through them, consisting of jelly-like mesohyl sandwiched between tow thin layers of cells." (Wikipedia: Sponge, 8.4.21 UTC 18:58)


27. Priapulida

"Priapulids are cylindrical worm-like animals, ranging from 0.2 - 0.3 to 39 centimeters long with a median anterior mouth quite devoid of any armature or tentacles. The body is divided into a main truck or abdomen and a somewhat swollen proboscis region ornamented with longitudinal ridges." (Wikipedia: Priapulida, 5.23.21 UTC 08:53)


28. Rhombozoa

"Dicyemida, also known as Rhombozoa, is a phylum of tiny parasites that live in the renal appendages of cephalopods... The organism's structure is simple: a single axial cell is surrounded by a jacket of twenty ciliated cells." (Wikipedia: Dicyemida, 8.2.21 UTC 23:50)


29. Rotifera

"Some rotifers are free swimming and truly planktonic, others move by inchworming along a substrate, and some are attached to ta substrate... Rotifers are an important part of the freshwater zooplankton..." (Wikipedia: Rotifer, 6.8.21 UTC 14:44)


30. Tardigrade

"Tardigrades, known colloquially as water bears or moss piglets, are a phylum of eight-legged segmented micro-animals... Tardigrades are usually about 0.55 mm long when fully grown. They are short and plump, with four pairs of legs..." (Wikipedia: Tardigrade, 7.11.21 UTC 13:22)


31. Xenacoelomorpha

"Xenacoelomorpha is a small phylum of bilaterian invertebrate animals... While [Xenacoelomorpha] are triploblasts (meaning they have the three germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm) they do not have a true body cavity (they lack a coelom) because they have an acoelomate body plan." (Wikipedia: Xenacoelomorpha, 8.11.21 UTC 18:43)



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