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Friday, October 27, 2023

Jonathan Flatley: quotes about Andy Warhol

This post is a collection of quotes about Andy Warhol from Jonathan Flatley in a lecture titled Season of Warhol: Virtual Lecture with Jonathan Flatley with the Memorial Art Gallery in 2020. The lecture can be found at this link. There are 2 quotes listed below chronologically.


1. "[Warhol's] work is about liking things. He's trying to teach us how to like more than we do... Warhol's liking, I think is more about the development of a kind of emotional openness. Like everything. Like it all." (5:10)


2. "...I think there's a case to be made that Warhol tried to have a collector's relationship to nearly every object of perception that he came into contact with as a way to orient himself on a daily basis toward similarity." (17:48)





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