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Saturday, April 20, 2019
Fundamentals of physics
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons, Eric Hahn
Photo license: CC BY-SA 4.0
This post is an outline of my philosophy of physics. There are 18 principles divided into 5 sections.
A. What is physics?
- Physics is the study of matter, motion, force, space and time
B. Matter
- Matter consists of matter and extremely small empty space
- Empty space consists of empty space and extremely small matter
- Matter consists of infinitely smaller structures and particles
- Every particle is a unified structure of even smaller matter
- The properties of matter are determined by its underlying structure
- Interlocking structures hold a piece of matter together
- A single particle cannot be in multiple places at once
C. Motion and force
- All matter moves according to the forces that are affecting or have affected it
- Every physical force is matter pushing or pulling other matter by collision
- Every physical field of force is actually microscopic or hidden matter pushing and pulling
- Colliding particles can temporarily overlap with their smaller particles on the edge
- Sometimes subatomic particles can travel straight through other matter
- A shaking or pulsating particle moving through space moves like a wave
D. Space
- There are three spatial dimensions
- Spatial dimensions above three do not exist
E. Time
- Time is the process by which reality moves from past, present to future
- Without time, matter cannot move
License: CC BY-SA 4.0