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Friday, July 17, 2020

David Hockney and pop art

David Hockney (1937-now) is an English artist best known for his contributions to pop art. Wikipedia says,


"Hockney has experimented with painting, drawing, printmaking, watercolors, photography and many other media including a fax machine, paper pulp, computer and iPad programs. The subject matter of interest ranges from still lifes to landscapes, portraits of friends, his dogs and stage designs..." (Wikipedia: David Hockney, 8.14.21 UTC 03:47)


The rest of this post is some quotes from Hockney.




"In the end nobody knows how it's done - how art is made. It can't be explained. Optical devices are just tools. Understanding a tool doesn't explain the magic of creation. Nothing can." (Interview with Martin Gayford, 2001)


"It sometimes takes a foreigner to come and see a place and paint it. I remember someone saying they had never really noticed the palm trees here until I painted them." (Interview with Nigel Farndale)




"Teaching people to draw is teaching people to look." (Interview with Jasper Gerard, 2005)


"Before he did all those lovely line drawings, Matisse would make really detailed charcoal drawings and tear them up. He wouldn't leave them about, he thought of them as working drawings. I understand what he was doing: discovering what's there." (Interview with Marco Livingstone, 1980)




"If we are to change our world view, images have to change. The artist now has a very important job to do. He's not a little peripheral figure entertaining rich people, he's really needed." (Interview with Paul Joyce, 1986)