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Saturday, November 19, 2022

Collection of quotes about misinformation and disinformation

This post is a collection of quotes about misinformation and disinformation. There are 7 quotes listed below. License: CC BY-SA 3.0


1. "Misinformation is incorrect or misleading information." (Wikipedia: Misinformation, 11.1.22 UTC 17:09)


2. "Disinformation is false information deliberately spread to deceive people." (Wikipedia: Disinformation,11.17.22 UTC 10:35)


3. "Fake news is false or misleading information presented as news. Fake news often has the aim of damaging the reputation of a person or entity, or making money through advertising revenue." (Wikipedia: Fake news, 11.16.22 UTC 00:53)


4. "Because information is distributed by various means, it is often hard for users to ask questions of credibility. Many online sources of misinformation use techniques to fool users into thinking their sites are legitimate and the information they generate is factual." (Wikipedia: Misinformation, 11.1.22 UTC 17:09)


5. "Misinformation on social media spreads quickly in comparison to traditional media because of the lack of regulation and examination required before posting." (Wikipedia: Misinformation, 11.1.22 UTC 17:09)


6. "Echo chambers and filter bubbles come from the inclination of people to follow or support like-minded individuals. With no differing information to counter the untruths or the general agreement within isolated social clusters, some argue the outcome is an absence of a collective reality." (Wikipedia: Misinformation, 11.1.22 UTC 17:09)


7. "Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have found themselves defending accusations of censorship for removing posts they have deemed to be misinformation. Social media censorship policies relying on government agency-issued guidance to determine information validity have garnered criticism that such policies have unintended effects of stifling dissent and criticism of government positions and policies." (Wikipedia: Misinformation, 11.1.22 UTC 17:09)