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Sunday, November 20, 2022

Collection of quotes about decentralization

This post is a collection of quotes about decentralization. There are 6 quotes listed below. License: CC BY-SA 3.0


1. "Decentralization... is the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision making, are distributed or delegated away from a central, authoritative location or group." (Wikipedia: Decentralization, 11.16.22 UTC 06:41)


2. "The internet is an example an extremely decentralized network, having no owners at all (although some have argued that this is less the case in recent years)." (Wikipedia: Decentralization, 11.16.22 UTC 06:41)


3. "Wikipedia has been described as decentralized." (Wikipedia: Decentralization, 11.16.22 UTC 06:41)


4. "Political decentralization signifies a reduction in the authority of national governments over policy-making. This process is accomplished by the institution of reforms that either delegate a certain degree of meaningful decision-making autonomy to sub-national tiers of government, or grant citizens the right to elect lower-level officials..." (Wikipedia: Decentralization, 11.16.22 UTC 06:41)


5. "Austrian School economist Friedrich von Hayek argued that free markets themselves are decentralized systems where outcomes are produced without explicit agreement or coordination by individuals who use prices as their guide." (Wikipedia: Decentralization, 11.16.22 UTC 06:41)


6. "Decentralization can make national policy coordination too complex; it may allow local elites to capture functions; local cooperation may be undermined by any distrust between private and public sectors..." (Wikipedia: Decentralization, 11.16.22 UTC 06:41)